What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research?

According to a new research, stem cell therapy was used on heart disease patients. It was found that it can make their coronary arteries narrower. A disadvantage of most adult stem cells is that they are pre-specialized, for instance, blood stem cells make only blood, and brain stem cells make only brain cells.

Is stem cell research legit?

These procedures are widely accepted as safe and effective by the medical community. All other applications of stem cells are yet to be proven in clinical trials and should be considered highly experimental.

What are the negatives of stem cell research?


  • Limitations on ASC ability to differentiate are still uncertain; currently thought to be multi or unipotent.
  • Cannot be grown for long periods of time in culture.
  • Usually a very small number in each tissue making them difficult to find and purify.

What is a downside to using stem cells in medical treatment?

The main disadvantage of stem cell research has to do with the way that they’re acquired-that is, it involves the destruction of human embryos. Last but not least, transplanted stem cells can have high rejection rates. After all, they’re derived from foreign embryos.

What are the cons of stem cell therapy?

Cons of the stem cell therapy include: Adult stem cells are hard to grow for long period in culture. There is still no technology available to generate adult stem cells in large quantities. Stimulated pluripotent cells normally do not have any p method of maintenance and reproducibility.

What are the pros and cons of stem cell research?

We should examine the ethics of embryonic stem cell research, but we should also examine the benefits it may provide. Adult stem cells, collected from consenting parties, should have no criticism whatsoever. As we move forward in this research, new pros and cons may also require additional contemplation.

Are there any ethical issues with stem cells?

Stem cells have great potential in treating patients with currently untreatable conditions, growing organs for transplants, and in scientific research. But there are clinical, ethical and social issues with their use. These issues will be different for growth and transplant of adult, embryonic and therapeutically cloned stem cells.

What are the risks of stem cell therapies?

Some private clinics are charging UK patients thousands of pounds for unproven and unregulated treatments using the “healing powers” of stem cells, the BBC has found. And experts are warning some of these “therapies” can cause significant harm.

Are there any restrictions on stem cell research?

Certain states have begun to draft legislation to completely ban stem cell research, or at least embryonic stem cell research, or at least place major restrictions on the process. We should examine the ethics of embryonic stem cell research, but we should also examine the benefits it may provide.

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