What are w category journals?

What are w category journals?

W Category: Journals having an Impact Factor. archival quality. Journals not having an Impact Factor Verified by HEC that they meet all HEC Journal Criteria and have paper reviewed by at least one expert from an Industrially/Academically advanced country in the respective discipline.

What is W category in HEC?

W Category: Journals listed in Journal Citation Report (JCR) of ISI having Impact Factor. Journals not having an Impact Factor Verified by HEC that they meet all HEC Journal Criteria and have paper reviewed by at least one expert from an Industrially/Academically advanced country in the respective discipline.

Is Y category journal acceptable for promotion?

Publications in the X category journals were acceptable for BPS appointments and promotions, and getting the status of HEC-approved supervisors. However, publications in the Y category journals did not matter in the promotions of the author and getting them the status of an HEC-approved supervisor.

How do I get a HEC recognized journal?

The universities / organizations interested to have their journals recognized by the HEC must send one copy of each issue to the dealing office on gratis basis.In case a journal started publishing recently it should have completed at least two years publication before it can be considered for approval.

How do you know what category a journal is?

How do I view and rank journals within a subject category?

  1. Click Select Categories.
  2. Check the desired category for which you wish to see a list of associated journals.
  3. Close out of the Select Category window.

What are HEC recognized journals?

A collection of research journals that are categorized into three different categories – W, X and Y — within their respective knowledge areas on the basis of a number of internationally benchmarked and recognized parameters that measure the quality of a journal.

Whats a good impact factor for a journal?

In most fields, the impact factor of 10 or greater is considered an excellent score while 3 is flagged as good and the average score is less than 1. This is a rule of thumb. However, the wild card to pay attention to is that impact factor and comparing journals are most effective in the same discipline.

Is 5 a good impact factor?

The higher the impact factor, the more highly ranked the journal. The top 5% of journals have impact factors approximately equal to or greater than 6 (610 journals or 4.9% of the journals tracked by JCR). Approximately two-thirds of the journals tracked by JCR have a 2017 impact factor equal to or greater than 1.

How does the HEC journal recognition system work?

HEC Journal Recognition System is the collection of authentic research journals ranked in scheduled categories on the bases of different ranking parameters. It is based on a propriety algorithm designed with the objective of promoting quality in research across various disciplines.

How are journals classified in the HEC category?

HEC has developed a mechanism in which they have categorized all the national and international journals into 4 categories. The journals are classified into W, X, Y, and Z category. Following are details of each category. Journals listed in Journal Citation Report (JCR) of ISI having an Impact Factor are categorized into W category.

How are research journals categorized in the hjrs?

HJRS is a collection of research journals that are categorized into three different categories – W, X, and Y — within their respective knowledge areas on the basis of a number of international benchmarked and recognized parameters that measure the quality of a journal. The online system can be accessed at hjrs.hec.gov.pk.

How are the relative thresholds determined in HEC?

The relative thresholds, decided by the respective scientific review panel of HEC, on JPI are used to classify Journals into W, X or Y categories. All six factors are given equal weight to ensure that no bias is introduced towards any single factor. HJRS includes all the subject areas and sub-categories according to JACS.

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