What did La Salle discover?

What did La Salle discover?

Having sold his land, La Salle set out in 1669 to explore the Ohio region. His discovery of the Ohio River, however, is not accepted by modern historians. La Salle found a kindred spirit in the Count de Frontenac, the “Fighting Governor” of New France (the French possessions in Canada) from 1672 to 1682.

What was the goal of La Salle when he returned from France?

Having acccomplished his mission to ensure that New France would have control of the fur trade on the Great Lakes, La Salle set off for France to seek more. He returned with letters of nobility, and the seigneurie of Cataracoui was created for him in exchange for certain undertakings on his part.

What was Robert de La Salle purpose of exploration?

He was the first European to travel the length of the Mississippi River (1682). His mission and goal was to explore and establish fur-trade routes along the river. La Salle named the entire Mississippi basin Louisiana, in honor of the King, and claimed it for France on April 9, 1682.

Why is La Salle called Texas?

LaSalle has been known as the Canadian Texas due to its high shooting rates throughout the former city and boroughs existence. The Crack Down Posse and All Bout Crips have a large influence on the west side of LaSalle as well as the STL’z Blood gang who are also known to be present more towards the east.

Why is LaSalle important?

René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle was an explorer best known for leading an expedition down the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. He claimed the region watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries for France and named it Louisiana after King Louis XIV.

Why does LaSalle want Louisiana for France?

La Salle secured a contract for the colonization of lower Louisiana from Louis XIV in 1683. The plan was to reach the Mississippi by sea and secure a permanent settlement upriver that would provide the French with a strategic advantage over Spanish interests throughout the Gulf of Mexico.

Why did the French claim Louisiana?

The French settlement had two purposes: to establish trade with the Spanish in Texas via the Old San Antonio Road (sometimes called El Camino Real, or Kings Highway)—which ended at Nachitoches—and to deter Spanish advances into Louisiana. The settlement soon became a flourishing river port and crossroads.

What was the largest French settlement?

A major French settlement lay on the island of Hispaniola, where France established the colony of Saint-Domingue on the western third of the island in 1664. Nicknamed the “Pearl of the Antilles”, Saint-Domingue became the richest colony in the Caribbean due to slave plantation production of sugar cane.

How many years did the French Own Louisiana?

Louisiana (French: La Louisiane; La Louisiane française) or French Louisiana was an administrative district of New France. Under French control 1682 to 1769 and 1801 (nominally) to 1803, the area was named in honor of King Louis XIV, by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle.

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