What do you feed a broodmare?

What do you feed a broodmare?

Good-quality alfalfa or alfalfa-grass hays are suitable for lactating mares. Good-quality pasture is also an excellent forage source, and hay may not be necessary when pasture is abundant. Broodmares should be fed a concentrate that is formulated for the needs of mares and foals.

What is the most common cause of abortion in mares?

Umbilical cord abnormalities have become the most common cause of abortion in Thoroughbred mares.

Which stage of a broodmares yearly cycle would be the most nutritionally demanding?

Proper broodmare feeding is not much different than for any other female breeding animal. When it comes to nutrient needs for all young-bearing animals, the latter stage of pregnancy – especially lactation – is most demanding.

What is the best feed for pregnant mares?

Purina® Omolene® #200, Strategy® GX or Ultium® Growth horse feed would be good choices, or Purina® Enrich Plus® Ration Balancing horse feed may be an option for mares that are easy keepers. During the tenth month of gestation the greatest amount of mineral retention occurs in the unborn foal.

What is the earliest a foal can be born and survive?

In general, however, a foal born at or before 320 days of gestation is considered premature. In general, the closer the birth is to 342 or more days, the better the chance is that the foal will live. Foals born after 300 or fewer days of pregnancy have a lower chance of survival, possibly as low as 10%.

How soon after giving birth can a horses get pregnant?

Mares usually first come into heat by 6 to 8 days postpartum. The average interval from foaling to first ovulation is 10 days, although mares can ovulate as early as 7 to 8 days or as late as 14 to 15 days postpartum and be considered clinically normal.

How can I get my mare to produce more milk?

Mares need energy and high-quality protein for milk production (14% crude protein grain mix). Generally an increase in grain volume will supply more energy. 2. Low lactating mares consuming fescue pasture or hay may benefit from a veterinary-prescribed paste marketed as Equi-tox to increase milk production.

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