What is flange joint?
A flange joint is a connection of pipes, where the connecting pieces have flanges by which the parts are bolted together. Although the word ‘flange’ generally refers to the actual raised rim or lip of a fitting, many flanged plumbing fittings are themselves known as flanges.
What is a mechanical joint fitting?
MJ stands for Mechanical Joint. It is a type of compression joint designed for underground connection for pipe, valves and fittings. This compresses the gasket forcing it to press tightly against the pipe and make a seal. An MJ seal is rated for 350 psi for 2″ to 24″ fittings, and to 250 psi for 30″ to 36″ fittings.
Are flanged joints restrained?
Flanges generally are threaded as per C115. Any configurations requiring static castings are in accordance with applicable requirements of AWWA C110. Flanged pipe is generally specified for aboveground service for water, wastewater, air, oil and other liquids where rigid, restrained joints are needed.
How does a mechanical joint work?
The mechanical joint seals by the force of the t-bolts pushing the gland which moves and compresses the gasket. This pressure causes the gasket to exert enough force against the surfaces of the pipe and fitting to form a seal. Rubber is well known for its friction properties.
What is purpose of flange joint?
The flanged joint design means that pipes are secured by external screws, providing additional joint support for the transportation of substances at high pressure.
Is flange a fitting?
Pipe Flanges are widely used as a popular category of pipe fittings. A flange is used to mechanically connect two pipes together. Thus, flanges are considered to be projecting or internal components which are used to support mechanical parts.
Is a mechanical joint restrained?
A restrained joint is a special type of push-on or mechanical joint that is designed to provide longitudinal restraint. Restrained joint systems function in a manner similar to thrust blocks, insofar as the reaction of the entire restrained unit of piping with soil balances the thrust force.
How much can you deflect ductile iron pipe?
Maximum deflection is 15° per joint in sizes up to and including 24-inch pipe; in sizes 30-inch and larger, maximum deflection varies from 12° to 15°.
When would you use a restrained joint pipe?
Restrained joint systems are used because standard slip joint (Tyton®) pipe does not provide significant restraint against separation of the joint created by unbalanced thrust forces.
What size flange should I use when pumping?
If your nipple measures 16 mm in diameter, your recommended breast shield size is 21 mm. This is because the 21 mm shield fits nipples up to 17 mm in diameter. If your nipple diameter measures 24 mm, your recommended size would be 30 mm.