What is pitch used for in repousse?
This provides a new flat back surface and better support for the metal. In some case the pitch is poured on the opposite side in this step so that the metal can be worked from the front. Work from the front is called “chasing”. Pitch is not necessarily used in armour work, even when repousse is involved.
What is pitch in metalwork?
Pitch is the material that is used to support your metal as you move it into the shape of your designs using the Chasing and Repousse technique. It comes in three consistencies: soft, medium and hard. There are a number of commercial pitches available.
What is the difference between chasing and repousse?
Chasing is the art of creating design on metal, from the front side. Repousse´ is the act of pushing the metal up, from the back side. Work can be Chased alone or Repousse´d alone or the two techniques can be used together.
What is Red pitch?
Chaser’s pitch is a thermal adhesive used by goldsmiths, silversmiths, coppersmiths, and other metal cold-working artisans to hold a metal plate for repoussage and “chasing” (embossing) while it is being hammered out. It must strongly adhere to the metal while it is cooling.
What is silver pitch?
Pitch is used all over the world by goldsmiths and silversmiths to hold metal in place while working it with hammers, punches or chisels. It should be hard enough to fill the requirements of the chasing work done on it.
Who invented repousse?
In 400 BC, the Greeks were using Beeswax for filler in repoussé. Classical pieces using repoussage and chasing include the bronze Greek armour plates from the 3rd century BC.
How do you soften a pitch?
The heat transfers through it well and a hair dryer or heat gun could be used to soften it. It is handleable when soft and can be shaped and pressed into areas with the fingers (preferably dipped into water before touching it).
What temp does pitch melt at?
Melting point approx. 116 °C for the composite sample, typically > 65 °C.
How do you remove pitch from silver?
To remove pitch I will heat up the metal slightly while still on the pitch, pushing upwards on an edge of the metal with a pair of tweezers while heating slowly. If you get this right the metal will come off the pitch suddenly with almost no pitch residues on it.
Quelle est la hauteur de la coupe garçonne ?
Il faudra alors également prendre en compte la hauteur du front, si ce dernier est très haut, il pourra être nécessaire d’opter pour une mèche un peu plus longue ou une frange. Même si la coupe garçonne classique possèdent à la fois une nuque et une frange ultra-courte. Autre problématique, celle de la nature des cheveux.
Quelle coiffure pour une coupe garçonne ?
Les coupes courtes ont le vent en poupe. Pour toutes celles qui rêvent d’une coiffure à la fois originale, audacieuse et très tendance, la coupe garçonne est idéale. Découvrez les conseils de Corinne Fravalo, coiffeuse, pour une transition réussie ! Rock, glamour, féminine, la coupe garçonne intrigue autant qu’elle effraie.
Pourquoi la coupe garçonne va-t-elle à toutes les femmes ?
Dans les années 50, les sublimes Jean Seberg et Audrey Hepburn adoptent elles aussi la coupe boyish. La coupe garçonne va-t-elle à toutes les femmes ?