What is the answer to question 8 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to question 8 on the impossible quiz?

You must find the green tick with the word “Yes!” beside it, which is located right below the letters “Se” in “Search!”. Click it, and you’ll proceed right away. These are the choices they have written: A cross.

How do you do 38 on the impossible quiz?

Question 38 of The Impossible Quiz contains a statement that says “Mary Rose sat on a pin”, and the possible choices are “O RLY?”, “Mary Rose”, “Burst her piles”, and “Ahahahaaha!”. The correct answer is “Mary Rose”, since the “Rose” in her name is a pun on the past tense form of “to rise”.

What is the answer to question 9 in the impossible quiz?

The drawing of the pig is there to give you a hint: not only is the pig blind, but it turns out to be blind because its eyes are missing. As such, since the pig has no eyes, the answer will have no I’s either. Therefore, the correct one is “Blnd pg”, since it had both of its I’s removed.

What is the answer to level 34 on the impossible quiz?

In the iOS version of The Impossible Quiz, since there is no cursor (because there is no mouse either), the task was changed to “Elephants like being touched!”. In order to proceed, you have to put your finger on the screen and hold it until the three elephants have gone inside the mouse hole.

What is the answer to question 29 on the impossible quiz 1?

Question 29 from the Impossible Quiz says “What flavour is cardboard?”, while the possible answers say “Honey”, “Pork scratchings”, “Egg mayonnaise”, and “Talc”. The correct answer is “Egg Mayonnaise” because Splapp-Me-Do doesn’t like egg mayonnaise at all. He actually thinks it tastes like cardboard!

What is the answer to the impossible quiz question 39?

Cylindrical Adventures
The correct answer to this question is “Cylindrical Adventures”, which is the name of the animation the dancing cylinder belongs to.

What’s the question 8 in the impossible quiz?

Question 8 from the Impossible Quiz is the first searching question of the game, and takes inspiration from a similar one featured in the Impossible Quiz Demo, specifically from Question 22. It has the task “Search!”

Are there any questions that are impossible to answer?

Many of you have asked for past Question Impossible answers, so we will post a few months worth of questions. Enjoy! Q: 27% of people say they would give up social media for a year if they could get this. What is this? Q: These are made all over the US but mostly in Pennsylvania.

Where do you find the green tick on the impossible quiz?

You must find the green tick with the word “Yes!” beside it, which is located right below the letters “Se” in “Search!”. Click it, and you’ll proceed right away. These are the choices they have written: A cross. A “NO” at the left side. A text that says “Keep looking!”. A text says “No chance”. Another cross in the C below “Search!”. A red circle.

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