What is the best legal dictionary?

What is the best legal dictionary?

Black’s Law Dictionary is the most frequently used U.S. legal dictionary. It is available in print, on Westlaw (database: BLACKS) and as an iPhone app .

What dictionary does the law use?

Black’s Law Dictionary
The most commonly used legal dictionary in the United States is Black’s Law Dictionary, but there are a number of other titles available. Like all dictionaries, legal dictionaries provide brief definitions and pronunciations of words, but legal dictionaries often offer more.

Is there a dictionary of law enforcement in the UK?

The only dictionary available that focuses on UK law enforcement terms, A Dictionary of Law Enforcement contains over 3,400 entries covering law, accountancy, insurance, shipping, commerce and trade, pathology, forensic medicine, criminology, and psychology.

Where can I find a Spanish law enforcement Dictionary?

Find other English to Spanish translations from the Pocket Spanish English Legal Dictionary (print and online), the English to Spanish to English dictionaries (like Law Enforcement) and the Word reference legal translator. What is Law Enforcement? Please, suggest a definition or report an error in the box below.

Is there a free online black’s law dictionary?

Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed. Legal Word of the Day. These are the regulations of a legislative body in conducting its business. They are the rules of order. Take a look at our newest resource, including hundreds of pages of law school outlines from admin law to trusts and wills.

What does it mean to be accused in Australia?

Accused A person who has been arrested and charged by the police with a criminal offence. A court form filed by a person who admits that they owe the money being claimed against them in court. A registration number, with 9 digits, that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission gives to a company.

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