What is the difference between Cenelec and ATEX?
The standards are identical in technical content but the CENELEC standard contains further information to make it more useable with the ATEX directive. The apparatus standards are ‘harmonised’ as being an acceptable interpretation of the ATEX directive.
Is ATEX a standard?
Temperature. The ATEX as an EU directive finds its US equivalent under the HAZLOC standard. This standard given by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration defines and classifies hazardous locations such as explosive atmospheres.
What is hazardous area certification?
A “hazardous area” is defined as an area in which the atmosphere contains, or may contain, in sufficient quantities, flammable or explosive gases, dusts, or vapors. Classifying the specific type of hazardous area that the equipment will be operating in is required in determining the appropriate certification scheme.
Do ATEX certificates expire?
An ATEX certificate lasts for the lifetime of a product and, unlike some other conformity assessment schemes, there is no validity or expiry date on a certificate that incurs a re-certification.
Which Organisations are responsible for certifying equipment for use in hazardous areas in the UK?
The British Standards Institution [BSI] is the UK member of both IEC and CENELEC. BSI publish an English language version of the CENELEC standard. The form of the standard number is BS EN 60079-xx: yyyy.
How do you read ATEX code?
The ATEX code is an alphanumeric string that denotes the certification achieved by the product along with the environment and conditions it is suitable for. The code can be broken down into a prefix, for example: CE0518 Ex II 2 G and suffix, for example: Ex d IIC T6 Gb.
What do you need to know about CENELEC standards?
Cenelec Standards Inspections Ltd are now offering EX14 courses aimed at the duty holder responsible for the Management of staff, processes & procedures relating to E, C &am […] Cenelec Standards Inspections are now selling the latest edition of the EEMUA 186 – A Practitioner’s Handbook for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres.
When did the ATEX directive come into effect?
Directive 2014/34/EU. Short name: Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX) Base: Directive 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (recast).
What was the aim of the CEN CENELEC workshop?
CEN-CENELEC Workshop announcement – Digital sovereignty – European perspective, general approach and implications on standardisation WS kick-off meeting – 2021-06-07 The Workshop’s aim is to develop a shared understanding of ‘digital sovereignty’.
When do the CEN and CENELEC annual reports come out?
The CEN and CENELEC Annual Reports 2020 are out! . Nominations for Standards+Innovation Awards 2021 Corporate – 2021-07-08 The Standards+Innovation Awards are back for their third year.