What is the trend of electron affinity in the periodic table?

What is the trend of electron affinity in the periodic table?

Electron affinity generally increases across a period in the periodic table and sometimes decreases down a group. These trends are not necessarily universal. The chemical rationale for changes in electron affinity across the periodic table is the increased effective nuclear charge across a period and up a group.

What does positive electron affinity mean?

The electron affinity is the energy change when an atom gains electrons. The convention is that the higher or more positive the electron affinity value, the more readily the atom accepts an electron.

What is the trend for electron affinity What is electron affinity?

What is the trend for electron affinity? Electron affinity increases upward across periods of a periodic table for the groups and from left to right, because the electrons added to the energy levels get closer to the nucleus, making the nucleus and its electrons more attractive.

Is electron affinity positive or negative?

Unlike ionization energies, which are always positive for a neutral atom because energy is required to remove an electron, electron affinities can be negative (energy is released when an electron is added), positive (energy must be added to the system to produce an anion), or zero (the process is energetically neutral) …

What group has the highest electron affinity?

Chlorine has the highest electron affinity while mercury has the lowest. Electron affinity generally increases across a period (row) in the periodic table, due to the filling of the valence shell of the atom.

How do you determine electron affinity?

The less valence electrons an atom has, the least likely it will gain electrons. Electron affinity decreases down the groups and from right to left across the periods on the periodic table because the electrons are placed in a higher energy level far from the nucleus, thus a decrease from its pull.

What are the trends of electron affinity?

Electron affinity follows a trend on the periodic table. It increases moving down a column or group and also increases moving from left to right across a row or period (except for the noble gases). The value may be either positive or negative.

Which element has the highest electron affinity?

Cs, Ba, Sr, etc.) have low electron affinities and the halogens in group VII (Br, Cl, F, etc) have the highest electron affinities. Chlorine has the highest electron affinity on the periodic table.

What is the electronegativity trend on the periodic table?

Electronegativity trend refers to a trend which can be seen across the periodic table. This trend is seen as you move across the periodic table from left to right, the electronegativity increases while it decreases as you move down a group of elements. While this is the basic definition of the electronegativity trend,…

Does electronegativity increase in periodic trend?

As mentioned, the electronegativity trend refers to the way electronegativity values trend across the periodic table of the elements. When moving from left to right across the periodic table, electronegativity increases , with the exception being the noble gases. In general, electronegativity decreases as you move down a group in the periodic table, this correlates neatly with the increase in distance between the atom’s nucleus and the electron valence.

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