What kind of algae do OTOS eat?

What kind of algae do OTOS eat?

soft green algae
They specialize in eating soft green algae; often this algae is hard to see without looking closely for it. The otocinclus will eat it before it grows too long and gets out of control.

Are otocinclus good algae eaters?

Otocinclus Catfish The Otocinclus Catfish, or the Oto Cat is another peaceful fish that’s known for their algae-eating habits. They’re quite small, reaching only 2 inches in length, and do well in small community tanks. These little guys are talented at removing brown algae and new algae growths from tanks.

Are there different types of otocinclus?

Dwarf sucking catfish
Tiger otoDwarf SuckermouthOto cat
Dwarf suckers/Lower classifications

Can otocinclus survive on algae?

Your Otos will graze on algae from your plants, so I recommend you use slow-growing plants. Fast-growing plants will often consume the carbon dioxide and dissolved nutrients before algae get a chance to feed and grow.

Do Otocinclus need live plants?

Otocinclus Catfish is a peaceful fish that like to keep to their school of buddies. They are the perfect fish in both their calm demeanor and cleaning skills. The Otocinclus Catfish will clean glass, but they absolutely love to clean plants.

Is the otocinclus catfish a good algae eater?

According to many, the Otocinclus catfish is the perfect algae eater and this is probably one of the reason why it became so popular over the years. The Otocinclus catfish makes a great addition to the community aquarium. During the day, these fish usually rest on a leaf or stick to the glass of the tank. They become more active during night time.

What kind of fish is the algae eater?

The Otocinclus affinis, also known as Otocinclus catfish or simply Oto cat is a small south American fish native to Brazil where it can be found in heavily vegetated streams and rivers. According to many, the Otocinclus catfish is the perfect algae eater and this is probably one of the reason why it became so popular over the years.

How big does an Otocinclus fish get in a tank?

Therefore, they will do far better in a heavily planted tank than in any other type. This is a very small fish. They can measure between 4 and 5 centimeters (1.5 – 2 inches) in length and have an elongated shape, rounded on the back and flattened ventrally.

Where are Otocinclus fish native to South America?

When it comes to algae-eating fish, there’s few that can match up to the friendly, shy little herbivores in the Otocinclus genus. Native to small rivers and streams across South America, these peaceful and easy-to-care-for fish are an ideal option for planted community aquariums 10 gallons and up. What Are Otocinclus Fish?

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