Where is Independence Mine located?

Where is Independence Mine located?

The Independence Gold Mine, located approximately 70 mi north of Anchorage, has produced in excess of 165,500 oz of gold….

Independence Mines
Location About 14.2 miles (22.9 km) northwest of Palmer, Alaska
Coordinates 61°47′25″N 149°17′05″WCoordinates: 61°47′25″N 149°17′05″W
Area 75 acres (30 ha)
Built 1934

Why did Independence Mine close?

In 1943, Independence Mine was ordered to close. The wartime ban was lifted in 1946, but gold mining was slow to recover. After the war, gold could be sold only to the U.S. government at a fixed rate of $35 per ounce. Postwar inflation raged, and gold mining became an unprofitable venture.

Can you pan for gold at Independence Mine?

Gold Mint Trailhead is located in the Hatcher Pass Independence Mine State Historical Park, learn what is was like to live and work in one of Alaska’s largest gold mining camps. Pan for gold. It is allowed in the park with a pan and shovel only.

Is Hatcher Pass open?

This road is open year-round except for the last mile to Independence Mine in winter months. Four-wheel-drive is recommended during the winter which is basically October 1 through May 31. Generally, the road over the Hatcher Pass summit is open only from about July 1 through September 15, depending on snow conditions.

Is there gold in Wasilla Alaska?

NE of Wasilla by road and 21 miles northwest of Palmer, is the Willow Creek district. The area above Matanuska in the upper end of Willow Creek at the head of Cook inlet, is the second most productive lode gold area in Alaska.

Where can I pan for gold in Alaska?

​There is gold all over ​Alaska, and it is far from mined out. ​

  • Fairbanks: Visit the El Dorado Gold Mine for a unique panning experience.
  • Hope, in the Kenai Peninsula: This small town of 200 offers public panning in Resurrection Creek.
  • Girdwood:
  • Juneau:
  • Nome:
  • Bachelor Creek:

Is there still a lot of gold in Alaska?

Gold occurs and has been mined throughout Alaska; except in the vast swamps of the Yukon Flats, and along the North Slope between the Brooks Range and the Beaufort Sea. Areas near Fairbanks and Juneau, and Nome have produced most of Alaska’s historical output and provide all current gold production as of 2021.

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