Which of the following characteristics is an advantage that ectoparasites have over endoparasites?

Which of the following characteristics is an advantage that ectoparasites have over endoparasites?

Which characteristic is an advantage that ectoparasites have over endoparasites? They can more easily disperse to other hosts.

What is the difference between ectoparasites and endoparasites?

Endoparasites live inside an organism, and ectoparasites live on the surface of the host.

What do endoparasites do?

Braconids are either endoparasitic, living within their hosts, or ectoparasitic, living on their hosts. Endoparasitic females lay an egg or eggs in the larvae or eggs of the host. The braconid larva remains within the host’s body at least until it enters the resting stage (pupa).

What are the examples of endoparasites and ectoparasites?

An ectoparasite lives on the outside of its host; a flea is an example of an ectoparasite. Endoparasites, such as tapeworms, live within their host. Parasite avoidance could have some serious implications for behavioral ecology.

What is meant by Ectoparasite?

Ectoparasite: A parasite that lives on or in the skin but not within the body. Fleas and lice are ectoparasites.

What are examples of endoparasites?

Endoparasites include ascarids or roundworms (Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina), hookworms (Ancylostoma and Uncinaria), and coccidia.

What’s the difference between an ectoparasite and an endoparasite?

• Ectoparasites live on the body surface of their hosts whereas endoparasites live within or inside the body of their hosts. • Generally, endoparasites are extremely specialized and have many adaptations than ectoparasites. • Endoparasites normally cause severe damages to their hosts than ectoparasites do.

Where do endoparasites live in the host body?

Endoparasites are parasites that live inside the body of the host. We also call them internal parasites. They occur in many different phyla of animals and protists. These parasites can live in either intracellular or extracellular environments within a host.

Where do ectoparasites live in the host organism?

Ectoparasites are parasites that live on the body surface of the host organism. They are also known as external parasites. These parasites can be often found in both plants and animals. Ectoparasites either suck blood (animal parasites) or juices (plant parasites) or feed on living tissue.

Which is the following could not be a hemiparasite?

Which of the following could not be a hemiparasite? a. Any ectoparasite b. Any macroparasite c. Any microparasite d. Any heterotroph d. Any heterotroph Which statement about parasitic fungi, such as mildews, rusts, and smuts, is false? a. At least some of these extract nutrients from their host plants through the use of hyphae.


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