Who was the famous German tank commander in ww2?

Who was the famous German tank commander in ww2?

ace Michael Wittmann
German Panzer ace Michael Wittmann was by far the most famous tank commander on any side in World War II, destroying 138 enemy tanks and 132 anti-tank guns with his Tiger.

Who was the best tank ace of ww2?

The highest scoring tank ace of WWII was Germany’s Kurt Knispel. Knispel total tank kills were confirmed at 168, with some unconfirmed estimates stating that total could actually be closer to 195 kills. Knispel is considered by some as the greatest tank ace in history.

Who was the best tank ace?

He was the highest scoring tank ace of the Allies during World War II….

Dmitry Lavrinenko
Allegiance Red Army
Years of service 1938–1941
Rank Senior Lieutenant
Unit 1st Guards Tank Brigade, 15th Armored Division

What is a German tank commander called?

Wittmann became a cult figure after the war thanks to his accomplishments as a “panzer ace” (a highly decorated tank commander) in the portrayal of the Waffen-SS in popular culture.

What tank killed the most tanks in ww2?

While plenty of incredible tanks faced off during WWII, the one with the highest number of kills against the Allies was the Sturmgeschutz III – AKA the Stug III.

Who was the best panzer commander?

Kurt Knispel (20 September 1921 – 28 April 1945) was a German tank commander during World War II, notable for claiming 168 tanks destroyed, making him the most successful fighter in armored warfare….

Kurt Knispel
Unit 12th Panzer Division 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion
Battles/wars World War II
Awards German Cross in Gold

How many tank kills did Otto Carius have?

Carius is considered a “panzer ace”, credited with destroying more than 150 enemy tanks.

Which tank got the most kills in ww2?

What rank are tank commanders in ww2?

A platoon usually had four or five tanks. I guess, in the U.S. Army a tank commander would be a Sergeant or a Staff Sergeant. Platoon leader would be a 2nd Lieutenant or 1st Lieutenant, with a First Sergeant or Master Sergeant aiding the Platoon Commander and a Company Commander would be a Captain.

What was the most feared tank in World War II?

Germany’s Tiger tank
Germany’s Tiger tank, whether in the form of the Tiger I or later Tiger II (King Tiger), was the most feared tank of WWII.

What were the best German tanks in ww2?

Here are the five best German tanks of World War Two and five Allied tanks that were even better.

  • 10 Char B1 – French.
  • 9 Panzer III – Germany.
  • 8 T-34 Medium Tank – Soviet Union.
  • 7 Panzer IV – Germany.
  • 6 M4 Sherman Medium Tank – United States.
  • 5 Panther Medium Tank – Germany.
  • 4 Churchill Heavy Infantry Tank – Great Britain.

Is Otto Carius still alive?

Deceased (1922–2015)
Otto Carius/Living or Deceased

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