Are lemurs and adapids related?
To recap, there are three groups vying for position as the ancestors of the anthropoids: the bizarre, large-eyed tarsiers, the related and extinct omomyids, and the equally extinct adapids. The adapids, however, are part of the strepsirrhine dynasty, the group that includes lemurs, lorises and bushbabies.
What are adapids related to?
Adapiform, any of several dozen extinct species of primates of the suborder Strepsirrhini (a group that includes lemurs, lorises, and galagos).
Did Adapids have a dental comb?
However, no lemuriform toothcomb has been found in the fossil record of the Eocene, and the European adapid lower jaws from that time did not resemble the derived state seen in lemuriforms. However, they lack a toothcomb.
Are gorillas Haplorhini?
Modern haplorhines are divided into three infraorders: the Platyrrhini, the New World Monkeys; the Catarrhini, the Old World Monkeys, apes and humans; the Tarsiiformes, the tarsiers. The lesser apes gibbons, siamang – and the great apes – orang utan, chimpanzee, gorilla – all occur in the Old World.
What is the typical Catarrhine dental formula?
Catarrhines only possess two premolars, in contrast to the three premolars of New World monkeys. This leads to a dental formula of (Fig. 1c).
How are the adapids different from other primates?
-adapids had pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size and in canine size, some had lower jaws with two fused halves, and some had relatively short foot bones Specific characteristics of omomyids -had large, projecting central lower incisors -small canines -short skull -narrow snout -large eye orbits oligopithecids
When did the Omomyidae and Adapidae appear?
Early representatives of the Omomyidae and Adapidae appear suddenly at the beginning of the Eocene (59 mya) in North America, Europe, and Asia, and are the earliest known crown primates.
What are the characteristics of adapids and omomyids?
Characteristics of Adapids and Omomyids -postorbital bar and convergent eye orbits -long digits with opposability for grasping -digits with nails -nonspecialized teeth -large brain relative to body size –> needed it b/c they were agile and tree-dwelling and diet was not as specialized as that of the plesiadapiforms
Where are the omomyids found in the world?
Fossil omomyids are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and possibly Africa, making it one of two groups of Eocene primates with a geographic distribution spanning holarctic continents, the other being the adapids (family Adapidae).