How can I get Facebook permanent access token?

How can I get Facebook permanent access token?

Get Permanent Page Access Token

  1. Go to Graph API Explorer.
  2. Select your app in Application.
  3. Paste the long-lived access token into Access Token.
  4. Next to Access Token, choose the page you want an access token for.
  5. Click i to see the properties of this access token.

How do I check if my Facebook access token is valid?

You can simply request if you get an error, the token is invalid. If you get a JSON object with an id property then it is valid. Unfortunately this will only tell you if your token is valid, not if it came from your app.

What is a Facebook page access token?

An access token is an opaque string that identifies a user, app, or Page and can be used by the app to make graph API calls. When someone connects with an app using Facebook Login and approves the request for permissions, the app obtains an access token that provides temporary, secure access to Facebook APIs.

How do I find my Facebook page ID using an API?

  1. Get Your Page ID. Send a GET request to /{user-id}/accounts endpoint: curl -i -X GET “{user-id}/accounts ?
  2. Post as a Page. Send a POST request to the /{page-id}/feed endpoint with the message field: curl -i -X POST “{page-id}/feed ?
  3. Verify Your Post.

How long does a Facebook access token last?

about 60 days
When your app uses Facebook Login to authenticate someone, it receives a User access token. If your app uses one of the Facebook SDKs, this token lasts for about 60 days. However, the SDKs automatically refresh the token whenever the person uses your app, so the tokens expire 60 days after last use.

How do I get access token in Docusign?

Obtain the access token Once you have an authorization code, use the authentication service POST /oauth/token endpoint to obtain access and refresh tokens. You will use the access token to make API calls in a later step. Note: The obtained authorization code is only viable for two minutes.

How do I get access token?

How Do Access Tokens Work?

  1. Login: Use a known username and password to prove your identity.
  2. Verification: The server authenticates the data and issues a token.
  3. Storage: The token is sent to your browser for storage.
  4. Communication: Each time you access something new on the server, your token is verified once more.

What does invalid access token mean?

The invalid access token error simply means the token for the selected app used for posting is expired and needs to be re-authenticated.

How do I access Facebook API?

How to get Facebook API key.

  1. Log in or create an account. Go to the Facebook portal for developers and click “Log in”.
  2. Get started.
  3. Verify your account.
  4. Create your app.
  5. Add the Apps or Generate Access Tokens for your own needs.

How do I get Msal access token?

Get an access token to call an API In MSAL, you can get access tokens for the APIs your app needs to call using the acquireTokenSilent method which makes a silent request(without prompting the user with UI) to Azure AD to obtain an access token.

How can I get access token username and password?

You can obtain an access token by providing the resource owner’s username and password as an authorization grant. It requires the base64 encoded string of the consumer-key:consumer-secret combination. You need to meet the following prerequisites before using the Token API to generate a token.

How can I get access token authorization code?

To get a new access token, use the refresh token as you would an authorization code, but with a grant_type value of refresh_token and a refresh_token parameter that holds the contents of the refresh token. The type of grant being used. To exchange a refresh token for an access token, use refresh_token .

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