How do I fix blank pages on Internet Explorer 11?

How do I fix blank pages on Internet Explorer 11?

  1. Click the Tools menu.
  2. Select Internet Options.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab, and put a check mark next to Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering.
  4. Close and restart Internet Explorer and then log into Web TimeSheet and the blank page would not come up again.

How do I fix a black screen on Internet Explorer?

How to Fix Windows Black Screen Issues

  1. Go to Control Panel > Internet Options or navigate to the Tools menu in Internet Explorer and choose Internet Options.
  2. Click on the General tab.
  3. Click on the Colors button.
  4. Tick the Use Windows Colors checkbox.

Why is my Internet Explorer screen black?

The black screen appears suddenly when you are using your web browser. Possible causes of the black screen problem in Internet Explorer could be that the web page may have a feature or features which trigger rendering conflicts with the graphics processing unit (GPU).

How do you get a blank page on Google Chrome?

How to Set a Blank Home Page in IE, Firefox and Chrome

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Navigate to about:blank in the browser.
  3. Select Internet options from the settings menu in IE.
  4. Click the Use Current button under Home page on the General tab.
  5. Click OK.
  6. MORE: 15 Essential Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts.

Why does my computer have a black screen?

A screen that doesn’t turn on may be a sign of a malfunctioning screen or a bad connection between the computer and the monitor. Another cause might be a problem with a display adapter. Basically, if the computer can’t detect a monitor of some kind, the screen will remain black.

What to do when your Internet Explorer page is blank?

If I enter the URL, then the page may come up, but many pages still come up blank even if entered directly in browser. Hit F12 and the entire debug page is blank. The first thing to do to attempt to address this issue is go to Tools>Internet Options>Advanced. Then click on “Reset Internet Explorer Settings” and restart IE.

Why does Internet Explorer 11 open links in blank tab?

Internet Explorer 11 opens links in blank tab Windows updates installed IE 11 and now when I click on any link that is supposed to appear in a new tab, I get a Blank Page/Tab. This happens on any 789742d7-9b24-427b-8210-6ae13816ade6 ca3ad05a-7127-4baa-a104-edec000ca0f4 RPotter31 2014-05-15T16:49:37

What to do when your debug page is blank?

Hit F12 and the entire debug page is blank. The first thing to do to attempt to address this issue is go to Tools>Internet Options>Advanced. Then click on “Reset Internet Explorer Settings” and restart IE. This will fix a great deal of these problems.

Why do I get an error when I open a new window in Internet Explorer?

This symptom also occurs if an HTML page opens a new window in Internet Explorer. Additionally, you receive the following error message if you try to perform a search on the page by using the Find (on This Page) command: An error has occurred in this dialog. This article helps you fix the problem.

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