How do you convert cm sec to mph?
To convert a centimeter per second measurement to a mile per hour measurement, multiply the speed by the conversion ratio. The speed in miles per hour is equal to the centimeters per second multiplied by 0.022369.
How do you convert miles per hour to feet per second using dimensional analysis?
To convert a speed value from miles per hour to feet per second, multiply it by 5,280, then divide by 3,600.
How do you convert seconds to miles per hour?
Divide seconds by 3,600 to convert the time to hours. For example, a time of 45 seconds corresponds to 45 / 3,600 = 0.0125 hours. Convert the distance to miles. For example, if a runner covers 100 yards, multiply it by 0.000568 to calculate miles; 100 x 0.000568 = 0.0568 miles.
Is inch greater than centimeter?
S: Centimeters are smaller than inches. It takes fewer inches to measure because inches are bigger. The smaller the unit, the more units it takes to measure the same thing. Part 2: Measure using centimeters and inches.
What is CC in mph?
Although there is no direct conversion between CC, or cubic centimeters, and MPH, miles per hour, there us a relationship between these two units of measurement. In motorcycles, engine displacement is measured in cubic centimeters.
How do you convert miles to meters using dimensional analysis?
Convert mile to meter by using this formula: mi X 1,609.344= m (miles multiplied by 1,609.344 equals meters). To convert meters to mile, use this formula: m/1,609.344=mi (meters divided by 1,609.344 equals miles).
How many feet is 60 mph?
88 ft.
per sec. So at 60 mph he is traveling 88 ft. per second.
How fast can Usain Bolt?
about 27 miles per hour
But neither of them could touch the legacy of Jamaica’s eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt, who retired in 2017 but still boasts the title of fastest human alive. Bolt ran the 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. Maxing out at about 27 miles per hour, that’s just under the top speed of a house cat.