How do you put engagements on a resume?

How do you put engagements on a resume?

How to include: Add a list of speaking engagements to your career highlights section on your resume. Include the topic, where and when you delivered the presentation, and the audience size if you had a large turnout.

How do I write a quick resume?

How to Write a Resume in 7 Easy StepsCraft a lead. Every list of resume writing tips will tell you the same thing: Start with your contact information. Show impact. The bulk of your resume should focus on your work experience. Include soft skills. Highlight tech skills. Be unique. Include keywords. Proofread!

Is it better to have a simple resume?

Your resume should be simple and elegant. Go minimalist and let the words speak for themselves. If you’re presenting a hard copy of your resume in person, make sure it doesn’t look like it was just pulled out of the trash can (or it’s very likely to end up back in the circular file).

How do you make a small resume look good?

4 Ways to Make a Short Resume LongerAdd your achievements. Your achievements can be just as relevant as where you went to school. Add to your work history. Your work history is one of the first and most important things a potential hirer will look at on your resume. Say more about your skills. When in doubt, add extra skills. Include your hobbies.

What should a simple resume look like?

Keep It Simple Use clear section headings and make them stand out with bold type, capital letters, and/or a different color. Make sure there’s plenty of white space—an overstuffed resume is hard to read. Skip the fancy graphics, pie charts, and illustrations, which don’t play well with resume-scanning software.

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