How do you write strengths in a performance review?

How do you write strengths in a performance review?

Performance appraisal strengths and weaknessesTeamwork. Working well with clients, managers, coworkers, and others is a fundamental skill. Adaptability. Your employees need to be able to successfully perform their jobs in quickly changing circumstances. Interpersonal skills. Not every employee is bubbly and happy. Job knowledge. Attention to detail. Communication.

What are some strengths in the workplace?

10 examples of strengths in the workplaceDependable. Dependability characterizes someone who is reliable and loyal. Flexible. Flexibility describes someone who can quickly adapt to changes. Self-motivated. Team-oriented. Success-oriented. Optimistic. Communicative. Emotionally aware.

What are areas of improvement?

Areas of improvement are skills, qualities or abilities that an employee could develop or enhance. Areas of improvement could include time management, delegation, organization, communication and engagement. Many of these skills and abilities are those that employees use daily at work.

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