How far apart are Sentricon stations?

How far apart are Sentricon stations?

Label requirements stipulate that Sentricon AlwaysActive stations should be installed at intervals of 3 metres around a structure. Where this is physically impossible, as close to this distance is required and this restriction should be noted on any documentation provided to the owner.

Can I do sentricon myself?

Sentricon is not available as a DIY product and you cannot purchase actual Sentricon parts. However, Hex Pro is the original Sentricon system developed in the late 1990’s. The lid and color of the station has changed, and also the cartridge containing the “bait” has been renamed to “Shatter”.

Is the Sentricon system worth it?

The pros far outweigh the cons when it comes to the Sentricon® System. In fact, we can really only think of one con. Sentricon® costs a little bit more than liquid treatments. If you’re looking for the absolute lowest price for your termite service, you may want to choose liquid.

How long do sentricon bait stations last?

The newer Sentricon systems use what is called “Always Active”. It is supposed to last up to 7 years.

Do sentricon bait stations work?

Sentricon has been proven to work, and it has many benefits to traditional liquid barriers. While Sentricon is effective, it does have its drawbacks. Because the bait stations are placed in the ground, they often disrupt the termite tunnels, and then the termite workers and soldiers choose to build new tunnels.

Do Sentricon bait stations work?

Where to place Sentricon RTI stations in ground?

It is best to place Sentricon RTI stations in the soil 300 to 500 mm off a foundation wall. If the structure has a concrete path against the foundation wall, it will be necessary to drill core holes through the concrete into the soil to install the Sentricon two-piece IG station.

How big does a Sentricon alwaysactive station need to be?

Label requirements stipulate that Sentricon AlwaysActive stations should be installed at intervals of 3 metres around a structure. Where this is physically impossible, as close to this distance is required and this restriction should be noted on any documentation provided to the owner.

Which is the most important attribute of Sentricon IG termiticide ODR?

The most important attribute of hexaflumuron, the active ingredient used in Sentricon IG Termiticide odr, is that it eliminates termite colonies. This means that the source of the problem or the threat to a structure can be conclusively removed.

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