How far is Nan from Bangkok?

How far is Nan from Bangkok?

560 km
How far is it from Bangkok to Nan? The distance between Bangkok and Nan is 560 km. The road distance is 664.6 km.

How do you get from Bangkok to Nan?

Nan does not have railway station. Therefore, travellers will take bus or flight from Bangkok to Nan. Bus from Bangkok to Nan is the most popular option to travel even though taking flight is the fastest way to get to Nan. That is because taking bus is cheaper and flexible than taking flight.

What is the weather in Nan?

In Nan, the wet season is oppressive and overcast, the dry season is humid and mostly clear, and it is hot year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 58°F to 97°F and is rarely below 52°F or above 103°F.

Why is Thailand so popular?

The food, the prices, the incredible hotels, cheap hostels, beautiful islands, the ease of getting around – any and all could be responsible for why Thailand is so popular, and why last year over 38 million people visited. They reckon it’ll be a total of 41 million this year.

Where is the city of Nan in Thailand?

Nan ( Thai: น่าน, pronounced [nâːn]) is a town in northern Thailand. It is 688 km (428 mi) north of Bangkok. It is in the centre of Nan Province which bears its name, and of which it is the former administrative capital.

What to do in Nan Nakhon, northern Thailand?

While its raw beauty remains, enough development has reached this northern city, including Nan Nakhon Airport with flights to and from Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Now it has become easier than ever to explore its laid-back old town, tiny but culturally rich villages, vast rice fields and majestic mountains.

When did Nan join the Kingdom of Siam?

Nan has very recently joined Siam (1931) and has long been an independent kingdom. This story is partly evident in the murals of temples, the most famous and complete being at Wat Phumin. The temples are also cultural and tourist richness of Nan with Lanna and Thai Lue influences.

Where did the people of Nan come from?

Parts of the old city wall and several early wats dating from the Lanna period can be seen in contemporary Nan. The city’s wats are distinctive; some temple structures show Lanna influence, while others belong to the Thai Lue legacy brought from Xishuangbanna in China, where the Thai Lue people originated.

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