Is Sudan grass good for cattle?

Is Sudan grass good for cattle?

All Sudan/Sorghum forages are good choices for dairy and beef cattle feed. The choice of forage will be heavily dependent on seasonal needs and intended harvest management @ silage, pasture, green-chop, etc. The concern is reduced when the forage is harvested as hay.

Is Sudan hay good for horses?

Sorghum-sudan grass has good yield potential, especially in dry years. You can use it as a pasture or hay but it’s most commonly used during periods of high temperatures and drought. Sorghum-sudan grass isn’t a common horse feed, but you can feed it during droughts, especially when other forage is limited.

How late can you plant Sudan grass?

You can wait until your spring rush is over to plant sudangrass hybrids since they are heat-loving, yet fast-growing. They penetrate compacted subsoil if mowed at least once and also smother weeds, manage some nematode species, suppress diseases, and replenish soil tilth.

Is Sudan grass poisonous?

All parts of the plant are poisonous especially if wilted or in regrowth. The Cyanide blocks the action of the cellular enzyme cytochrome oxidase thus preventing hemoglobin from releasing oxygen to the tissues. Death results rapidly from anoxia. Sudan grass may also accumulate toxic levels of nitrates.

How fast does Sudan grass grow?

Sudangrass is normally planted in late spring when the soil has become warm and exceeds 65º F. When soil temperatures at planting are from 50 to 60º F, sudangrass germination drops to 25-60%, and plants require 14 to 21 days to emerge.

What is the best grass for hay fields?

Crops which are suitable for hay making are both leguminous and non leguminous crops. Mostly lucern (alfalfa), Rhode grass, Barseem, Oat, and Sudan grasses are considered best suitable for hay making.

Is Sudan grass poisonous to cattle after a frost?

Though if you are using a sudan grass hybrid strain then there is intermediate potential. Or there is a high risk if you were to use a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid or a forage sorghum. But overall, sudan grass after a frost will carry a cyanide toxicity risk to cattle ingesting it.

What is Sudan Hay?

Sudan Hay. Sudan Grass, Sorghum Sudanense, is a warm season annual grass that is adaptive to the dry, arid growing conditions in the southwestern United States during the spring and summer seasons. Sudan Grass has become a very popular crop in the Imperial Valley region of California. Sudan is planted in the spring and early summer months and harvested from June through September.

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