Should I send a covering letter with my CV?

Should I send a covering letter with my CV?

So, yes, you have to write a cover letter for your resume. Especially, if you need to explain employment gaps or if you’re changing careers. Read on to find out how to make your cover letter a game-changer.

Why is it important to tailor your CV and cover letters?

It highlights your most relevant experience The purpose of a cover letter is to expand on the skills in your CV to prove you’re a great match for the job. If you tailor your cover letter to each application, you can show potential employers exactly why you’re good for that role specifically.

Do you have to write a different cover letter for each job?

Customizing your cover letter for each application doesn’t mean you have to create a new cover letter from scratch for every opening. However, the more customized your cover letter is to the job, the better the chance a recruiter will want to continue onto your resume.

Do you have to change your CV for every job?

Of course, you don’t have to change your resume every time you apply to a job, especially if the jobs you are applying to are very similar. But in certain instances, recruiters and hiring managers say it will significantly boost your chances of scoring an interview.

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