What are the applications of squirrel cage induction motor?

What are the applications of squirrel cage induction motor?

Squirrel cage induction motors are commonly used in many industrial applications. They are particularly suited for applications where the motor must maintain a constant speed, be self-starting, or there is a desire for low maintenance. These motors are commonly used in: Centrifugal pumps.

What are the applications of induction motors?

These are the most common type of AC motor and are important to industry due to their load capacity, with Single-Phase induction motors being used mainly for smaller loads, for example in household appliances whereas, Three-Phase induction motors are used more in industrial applications including compressors, pumps.

Why squirrel cage induction motor is most popular in industry?

Squirrel cage induction motors are popular choices in industry, in part due to their low cost, ease of maintenance, high efficiency, good heat regulation, and safety. Their biggest downside is their lack of speed control, which is why other motors (wound rotor motors) have been developed to address these applications.

What is difference between squirrel cage and induction motor?

In Squirrel cage induction motors the rotor is simplest and most rugged in construction. In slip ring induction motors the rotor is wound type. In the motor the slip rings, brushes are provided. Compared to squirrel cage rotor the rotor construction is not simple.

What are the types of induction motors?

Types of Induction Motors

  • Split Phase Induction Motor.
  • Capacitor Start Induction Motor.
  • Capacitor Start and Capacitor Run Induction Motor.
  • Shaded Pole Induction Motor.

What are the five types of single phase motors?

Types: There are a few different types of single-phase motors; some of these are two-valve capacitor, capacitor-start, split-phase, permanent-split capacitor, wound rotor and shaded-pole motors. Each type of motor has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

What is the principle of squirrel cage induction motor?

Squirrel induction motor working is based on the principle of electromagnetism. When the stator winding is supplied with a three-phase AC, it produces a rotating magnetic field (RMF) which has a speed called synchronous speed. This RMF causes voltage induced in the rotor bars.

How does the squirrel cage induction motor work?

Squirrel cage IM is skewed to avoid the cogging effect in motor. If the rotor and the stator conductors are parallel to each other, there is a strong possibility of the magnetic locking between the rotor and the stator. Therefore, the rotor slots are skewed. how does squirrel cage induction motor work?

What kind of rotor is used in squirrel cage motor?

Rotor which is employed in squirrel cage induction motor is known as squirrel cage rotor. Squirrel Cage Rotor: Squirrel cage rotor consists of cylindrical laminated core having slots for carrying conducting bars. Copper or aluminum bars are placed in each slot. All these bars are joined at each end by large shorting rings known as end rings.

Which is better, a squirrel cage or a slip ring motor?

While slip ring induction motors (also known as wound-rotor motor) aren’t as popular as squirrel cage induction motors, they do have a few advantages. Below is a comparison table of squirrel cage vs wound rotor type motors:

Why are squirrel cage motors considered asynchronous?

This rotor does not spin at the exact frequency of the AC current and is why squirrel cage motors (as well as other induction motors) are considered asynchronous. There is always some loss, or “slip”, between the AC frequency and the rotational frequency of the shaft, and this is a consequence of why the rotor rotates in the first place.

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