What causes Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

What causes Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

The exact cause of Parsonage Turner syndrome is unknown. Researchers suspect that most cases are due to an autoimmune response following exposure to an illness or environmental factor . In many cases, no triggering event or underlying cause can be identified.

Who discovered Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

It is named after British neurologists Maurice Parsonage and John Turner, who described 136 cases in a 1948 Lancet publication. Other cases with similar symptom presentation had previously been published as early as 1897, but these publications were not as extensive as Parsonage and Turner’s 1948 publication.

What does Parsonage Turner syndrome feel like?

Symptoms of Parsonage Turner syndrome may include: Sudden sharp, aching, burning or stabbing pain (gradual in rare cases). Pain in one shoulder (rarely in both shoulders). Possible pain also in the neck, arm and hand (on the same side as the painful shoulder).

Can you live a normal life with Turner syndrome?

The long-term outlook ( prognosis ) for people with Turner syndrome is typically good. Life expectancy is slightly shorter than average but may be improved by addressing and treating associated chronic illnesses, such as obesity and hypertension .

What limitations does a person with Turner’s syndrome have?

What Problems Can Happen? Girls who have Turner syndrome don’t have typical ovarian development. They usually don’t develop all the secondary sexual characteristics (the physical changes that usually happen in puberty) and are infertile (can’t become pregnant) as adults.

What is another name for Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

Parsonage Turner syndrome is also known as: Brachial neuritis. Brachial plexus neuritis.

Is Turner syndrome the same as Parsonage Turner Syndrome?

Definition: Parsonage-Turner Syndrome (PTS), also known as Neuralgic Amyotrophy or brachial neuritis, is an uncommon peripheral nerve disorder.

How do you test for brachial neuritis?

Two electrodiagnostic tests that are typically performed together to check for brachial neuritis and other nerve conditions include:

  1. Nerve conduction study. This test measures how fast an electrical signal travels through a nerve.
  2. Electromyography (EMG).

What is the cause of Parsonage Turner syndrome?

Parsonage–Turner syndrome. Parsonage–Turner syndrome, also known as acute brachial neuropathy and neuralgic amyotrophy, is a syndrome of unknown cause; although many specific risk factors have been identified (such as; post-operatively, post-infectious, post-traumatic or post-vaccination), the cause is still unknown.

What kind of muscle pain does personage Turner syndrome cause?

Personage-Turner syndrome will lead to: Muscle bulk/tone: atrophy of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, biceps, trapezius, serratus anterior, pronator teres, teres minor. Muscle strength Sensation: numbness over lateral arm, forearm and anatomic snuffbox Reflexes: absent biceps and brachioradialis .

What did parsonage and Turner describe in their book?

Parsonage and Turner were the first physicians to describe a large series of patients. They termed the disorder ‘amyotrophic neuralgia’. There is an extremely rare, inherited form known as hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy, on which NORD has a separate report.

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