What happened on March 31 1521 in the Philippines?

What happened on March 31 1521 in the Philippines?

On March 31, 1521, an Easter Sunday, Magellan ordered a Mass to be celebrated which was officiated by Father Pedro Valderrama, the Andalusian chaplain of the fleet, the only priest then. Conducted near the shores of the island, the First Holy Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines.

What happen in March 16 1521?

On Saturday March 16, 1521, Ferdinand Magellan, after leaving the islands of Canoyas, later called the Landrones, named after the thievish propensities of its inhabitants, (now known as Marianas Islands) sailing westward looking for the Moluccas, sighted an island which has very lofty mountains.

Where the first Catholic Mass was celebrated by the Spaniards in 1521?

First Mass in the Philippines/Location

Was it really the first Mass in Limasawa?

Now, about Palm Sunday 1520, and we know this from the journal entries of a young Venetian who chronicled the voyage of Magellan, Antonio de Pigafetta. It was Pigafetta, by the way, who recorded that a Mass was celebrated in Limasawa on March 31, 1521, an Easter Sunday. He never said it was the “first.”

Who is the king of Limasawa?

Blood compact: The island’s sovereign ruler was Rajah Siaiu. When Magellan and comrades set foot on the grounds of Limasawa, he befriended the Rajah together with his brother Rajah Kulambu of Butuan.

Who is the king of Butuan?

Chinese records about the polity stopped after the reign of Rajah Siagu, the last independent Rajah of Butuan. He was formally subjugated into the Spanish Empire after he and his brother, Rajah Kolambu of Limasawa, made a blood compact with Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.

Who is Raia Calambu?

The island of this king is named Zuluan and Calagan, and when these two kings wish to visit one another they come to hunt in this island where we were. Of these kings the painted king is called Raia Calambu, and the other Raia Siani.

What was the name given by Magellan to Eastern Samar when he reached the place on a Black Saturday and the next day was Sunday?

Four hundred and ninety-seven years ago, Ferdinand Magellan and crew landed on an island named ‘Humunu. Today, the island is called Homonhon. It belongs to the Municipality of Guiuan, Eastern Samar.

Why is it called Limasawa?

It is said that his polygamous relationships were how the island got its name – Limasawa is a portmanteau of the Visayan words lima, which means five, and asawa, which means wife.

Where did the first Mass really happen?

(APR. 16)—The first ever Easter Mass in the Philippines – a landmark in the history of Philippine Christianity – was held in 1521 on the island of Mazaua, known today as Limasawa Island, Leyte. This was the conclusion drawn by Dr.

Is Mazaua and Limasawa the same?

Today the island is popularly known as “Limasawa” although some elderly citizens prefer to call it “Mazaua”. Limasawa was created into an independent municipality on June 11, 1978 by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 1549.

Is Butuan safe?

Crime rates in Butuan, Philippines

Level of crime 25.00 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs 47.50 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 40.00 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 32.50 Low
Problem corruption and bribery 52.50 Moderate

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Today, we proudly manage services for thousands of members in Bucks, Cambria, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery and Northampton counties. Find helpful information that includes member communications, local providers and county specific resources.

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Who was in charge of Magellan’s expedition after his death?

After the death of Magellan in the Philippines at the hands of the natives in 1521 and following several other short-lived leaderships, Spanish navigator Juan Sebastián Elcano took command of the expedition to finally reach the Spice Islands.

When did Magellan discover the high land Zamal?

On March 16, 1521, there was a “high land” named “Zamal” that was sighted by the Magellan’s expedition which was some 300 leagues westward of the Ladrones Island.

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