What is Lecithotrophic?
Lecithotrophy meaning A form of development in which the embryo receives no nutrition other than the yolk originally contained within its egg.
What is planktonic larval stage?
The planktonic larval stages of invertebrate animals often look very different from the non-planktonic adults. After a period of hours to weeks to months in the plankton, larvae settle on a surface and metamorphose into their more familiar adult forms, such as the cup coral pictured to the left.
What is the advantage for benthic organism in having planktonic larvae?
The presumed advantages of such larvae include the avoidance of competition for resources with adults, temporary reduct~on of benthic mortality while in the plankton, decreased likelihood of inbreeding in the next generation, and increased ability to withstand local extinction However, the direct~on of evolutionary …
What are Lecithotrophic eggs?
Lecithotrophy, meaning “feeding on yolk”, refers to development with a non-feeding larva, which depends on the egg’s yolk reserve supplied by the mother. Planktotrophy, meaning “feeding on plankton” refers to development via a larva that must feed in the plankton in order to develop to metamorphosis.
What is Brachiolaria larva?
A brachiolaria is the second stage of larval development in many starfishes it follows the bipinnaria. Brachiolaria have bilateral symmetry, unlike the adult starfish, which have a pentaradial symmetry. The adult starfish develops only from the hind-part of the larva, away from the sucker.
What does a phytoplankton eat?
Like land plants, phytoplankton have chlorophyll to capture sunlight, and they use photosynthesis to turn it into chemical energy. They consume carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. All phytoplankton photosynthesize, but some get additional energy by consuming other organisms.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of undergoing metamorphosis?
Advantages: Typically, adults and larvae do not compete for the same food source, do not have the same predators, and occupy different habitats. Disadvantages: Adults and larvae do not share the same food, which can be a disadvantage in food-poor environments; short adult life span; only adult has true mobility.