What is the answer to number 17 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to number 17 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question is “shoe polish”. Shoe polish contains silver nitrate, and it’s said that silver items (like bullets) can be used to kill werewolves.

What is the answer to the Armageddon question in the impossible quiz?

The answer is NOT “D”, but rather the exclamation mark located at the very end of the sentences on the top, right after the words “the world”.

What is the answer to number 54 in the impossible quiz?

Question 54 of The Impossible Quiz simply asks: “Shanghai?”. The answer choices say “Is indeed the largest city in China.”, “Never been”, “Why is there a question mark?”, and “No, about 20cm off the ground”. This question originally appeared as Question 7 in The Impossible Quiz Demo.

What is the answer to 18 on impossible quiz?

If you heard M.C Hammer’s song “Can’t touch this”, this should be a doddle. In the song he says “Stop, hammer time!”, so the answer would be to click the hammer.

How do you beat level 19 on the impossible quiz?

To solve this question, you must colour the picture following the order of the letters on its name: the “B” stands for blue, the “O” stands for orange, the “G” stands for green, and the “Y” stands for yellow.

What happens if you press tab on the impossible quiz?

The Tab button can usually be used in Flash files to highlight clickable objects; since these Quizzes (made in Flash) have a lot of tricks and searching questions, Splapp-Me-Do programmed a scenario where hitting the Tab button at any point during the questions will give you an immediate Game Over.

How do you beat question 75 on the impossible quiz?

Question 75 of The Impossible Quiz simply tells you to “Be prepared”. There is a large bomb in the centre of the screen with a match being lit to it. Right after it has been lit, a one-second timer appears on the bomb, along with the message “Think fast!” in red above it.

What is the answer to level 69 on the impossible quiz?

All you have to do is to press the question number 69 times in order to proceed. Question 90 from TIQ Book also references 69, Chris is Level 69, it reads as L69.

What is the answer to question 51 on the impossible quiz fight?

However, if you move your mouse around the question, you will see that if you hover on the word “came”, the “L” in “last” will slightly move away to the left and join “came”, thus creating the word “camel”. That’s the answer to the question; click it to move on to the next question.

What is the answer to level 52 on the impossible quiz?

Question 52 from the Impossible Quiz presents you with a single word: “Carrot!”. There are four green batches of leaves coming from the soil on the lower part of the screen, each of them belonging to either a vegetable or something completely unrelated. Harvesting all of the options!

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