What is the Athenian constitution by Aristotle?

What is the Athenian constitution by Aristotle?

Probably written by a student of Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution is both a history and an analysis of Athens’ political machinery between the seventh and fourth centuries BC, which stands as a model of democracy at a time when city-states lived under differing kinds of government.

When did Aristotle write Athenian Constitution?

In Chapter 62, Aristotle indicates that, at the time he was writing, Athens was still sending officials to Samos. After 322 BC, Samos was no longer under Athenian control. Based on this internal evidence, scholars conclude that the Athenian Constitution was written no earlier than 328 BC and no later than 322 BC.

What did Aristotle mean by Politeia or constitution?

Aristotle. Aristotle classified constitutions on two grounds: how many citizens had a voice in making the laws; and whether they did so considering the good of all citizens, or only their own. Along with monarchy and aristocracy, politeia is one of the three virtuous forms of government.

Who wrote the Constitution of Athens?

information on ancient Greece …in the treatise called the Constitution of Athens, attributed to Aristotle and found on papyrus in 1890. That document says much about the psychology of 411 bce and little about the situation in 621.

How did someone become enrolled as a citizen in Athens?

Citizens. To be classed as a citizen in fifth-century Athens you had to be male, born from two Athenian parents, over eighteen years old, and complete your military service. Women, slaves, metics and children under the age of 20 were not allowed to become citizens.

Who wrote Athens First Constitution?

Constitution of the Athenians (Aristotle), a treatise on the Athenian constitution written by Aristotle or one of his students. Constitution of the Athenians (Pseudo-Xenophon), also known as the Old Oligarch, a treatise preserved under the name of Xenophon, though not actually by him.

Why is Aristotle known as the father of political science?

Aristotle is called the father of political science because he elaborated the topics and thinking of Ideal state, slavery, revolution, education, citizenship, forms of government, the theory of golden mean, theory of constitution etc. Hence he is regarded as the father of political science.

What were the Spartan slaves called?

Spartan Society The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartiates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither slaves nor citizens.

Was the first constitution written in Athens?

Given the founding of Athens by Cecrops I and its first constitution in 1556 BC, its legal framework would have functioned for over 900 years before Draco codified the laws and drafted his constitution around 620 BC.

What was the Athenian constitution?

The Constitution of the Athenians , also called the Athenian Constitution (Greek: Ἀθηναίων πολιτεία, Athenaion Politeia ; Latin: Atheniensium Respublica ), is a work by Aristotle or one of his students. The work describes the constitution of Classical Athens , commonly called the Aeropagite constitution.

What is Athenian constitution?

The Athenian Constitution. Probably written by a student of Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution is both a history and an analysis of Athens’ political machinery between the seventh and fourth centuries BC, which stands as a model of democracy at a time when city-states lived under differing kinds of government.

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