What is the incidence of neural tube defects?

What is the incidence of neural tube defects?

In the United States, 3,000 pregnancies are affected by neural tube defects every year (1). Hispanic women have higher rates of neural tube defects than non-Hispanic women in the United States (2). Worldwide, there are more than 300,000 babies born with neural tube defects each year (3).

Where in the world are neural tube defects most common?

Neural tube defects are serious birth defects of the brain and spine. The two most common neural tube defects are spina bifida (affects the spine) and anencephaly (affects the brain).

What percent of babies have neural tube defects?

The chance that a pregnancy will be affected by a neural tube defect is less than one in 1,000.

What country has the highest rate of spina bifida?

The highest rates of spina bifida are found in parts of the British Isles, mainly Ireland and Wales, where 3-4 cases of myelomeningocele per 1000 population have been reported, along with more than 6 cases of anencephaly (both live births and stillbirths) per 1000 population.

Can a baby live with neural tube defects?

Living with neural tube defects Babies who have anencephaly do not live. They either are stillborn or die hours after birth. Babies who have other NTDs have lasting effects. Spina bifida can cause paralysis below the spine.

At what week does the neural tube close?

Between the 17th and 30th day after conception (or 4 to 6 weeks after the first day of a woman=s last menstrual period), the neural tube forms in the embryo (developing baby) and then closes.

Who is high risk for neural tube defects?

For women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar around the time of conception increases a baby’s risk of a neural tube defect, other types of birth defects, stillbirth, and preterm birth.

How to estimate global and regional prevalence of neural tube defects?

We used a compartmental model to estimate global and regional birth prevalence of NTDs (live births, stillbirths, and elective terminations of pregnancy) and subsequent under-5 mortality. Data were identified through web-based reviews of birth defect registry databases and systematic literature reviews.

What are the effects of neural tube defects?

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are associated with substantial mortality, morbidity, disability, and psychological and economic costs. Many are preventable with folic acid, and access to appropriate services for those affected can improve survival and quality of life.

How many neural tube defects are caused by folic acid?

Increasing folic acid intake among women of childbearing age can help prevent 150,000-210,000 of the more than 300,000 neural tube defects that occur each year in low- and middle-resource countries (5).

How many live births are caused by NTD?

Of NTD-affected live births, 117,900 (∼75%) (UI: 105,500-186,600) resulted in under-5 deaths. Our systematic review showed a paucity of high-quality data in the regions of the world with the highest burden. Despite knowledge about prevention, NTDs remain highly prevalent worldwide.

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