Where do you put courses on a CV?

Where do you put courses on a CV?

If you’ve taken courses that have taught you something that will help you on the job, by all means, include them on your resume, she says. Just keep the list of courses short, and confine them to a single, small area, such as a Professional Training section under your work history.

Should you put education or experience first on resume?

Where Should Education Go on a Resume? You can put your education above your work history if you’re a student or recent graduate and have little experience. If you have more than a year of work experience, your education should come after your employment history. Your most recent degree goes first.

How do I describe my skills in an interview?

Follow these tips when describing what skills you can bring to the company:Research the company before your interview.Show them what makes you unique.Focus on key requirements for the job.Keep your answer concise.Know what traits employers look for.Bring up both hard and soft skills.Keep your answer natural.

What are good questions?

Here are 8 of the best questions to ask:What is the first thing you notice about a person? What are some challenges you think the next generation will face? What three habits will improve your life? For what in your life do you feel most grateful? If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead, who would it be?

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