What drugs can EMT Intermediate give?

What drugs can EMT Intermediate give?

Medications authorized for administration by EMTs are:

  • Activated Charcoal.
  • Albuterol.
  • Aspirin.
  • Epinephrine, 1:1,000 via EpiPen® or vial.
  • Nitroglycerin (Tablet or Spray)
  • Oral Glucose Gel.
  • Oxygen.
  • Tylenol.

What is an intermediate care paramedic?

Formerly referred to as Intermediate Care Paramedic, this practitioner builds on their Primary Care Paramedic education and qualifications through an enhanced training program which includes learner-lead study, classroom, and clinical placement.

What drugs can AEMT give?


  • Amiodarone.
  • Atropine.
  • Dopamine.
  • Epinephrine / Adrenaline.
  • Naloxone.
  • Magnesium sulfate.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Can EMT paramedics administer medication?

    EMTs and paramedics administer numerous drugs, like epinephrine for anaphylaxis, albuterol for asthma, and nitroglycerine for chest pain, to treat life-threatening medical conditions and relieve patient pain.

    Can an EMT basic give Narcan?

    Twenty-four states legally allow intermediate EMS (AEMT and EMT-I) and paramedics to carry and administer naloxone. Five states allow all levels of EMS aside from EMR to carry and administer naloxone, and 19 states allow all levels of first responders to carry and dispense the drug.

    What can a paramedic do that an EMT Cannot?

    The basic difference between EMTs and paramedics lies in their level of education and the kind of procedures they are allowed to perform. While EMTs can administer CPR, glucose, and oxygen, paramedics can perform more complex procedures such as inserting IV lines, administering drugs, and applying pacemakers.

    Can an EMT give Narcan?

    In the United States, naloxone is currently classified as a prescription medication. Twenty-four states legally allow intermediate EMS (AEMT and EMT-I) and paramedics to carry and administer naloxone.

    Why would an EMT give aspirin to a patient?

    Aspirin is a common anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant that may reduce the risk and size of a myocardial infarction. EMTs are authorized to administer a 325 mg aspirin tablet to patients with signs of acute coronary syndrome.

    How do you give a narcan EMT?

    Narcan can be administered intravenously (IV), intraosseously (IO), intranasally (IN), intramuscularly (IM), or down the endotracheal tube (ETT). IV administration is preferred, but any route can result in a favorable outcome. Dosing can range from 0.04mg to 4mg.

    What do paramedics do when someone overdoses?

    If the overdose is opioid related, first responders need to inject naloxone intravenously for a quick reversal of the opioid overdose effects. Naloxone’s effects last from 20 to 90 minutes and allow the patient to breathe again until he or she can receive further help.

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