What did the Norse call elves?

What did the Norse call elves?

In Norse mythology, Dökkálfar (“Dark Elves”) and Ljósálfar (“Light Elves”) are two contrasting types of elves; the dark elves dwell within the earth and have a dark complexion, while the light elves live in Álfheimr, and are “fairer than the sun to look at”.

What is svartálfar brigands?

svartálfr), also called myrkálfar (“dark elves”, “dusky elves”, “murky elves”, sing. myrkálfr), are beings who dwell in Svartalfheim (Svartálf[a]heimr, “home of the black-elves”). Both the svartálfar and Svartálfaheimr are primarily attested in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.

What should I name my dark elf?

Some good Skyrim names are Maggot, Enarvyne, Irarvy, Neldammu, Dalamus and Ararvy. Amongst the other Elf counterparts, the cynical looks of Dark Elves are indeed eye-catching. However, the High Elfs can run faster due to their height and will help you gain bonuses.

Who is the god of elves?

Corellon Larethian
Race Deity
Gender Androgynous, but can choose to be male or female, or “both or neither”
Title Creator of the Elves, the Protector, First of the Seldarine, Protector and Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves, Coronal of Arvandor
Alignment Chaotic Good

Are black elves real?

Their dark elves, or dunmer, have nearly black skin with red or black eyes. Early dunmer were also slavers, but after the revolt and Accession War, the race was scattered across the land, known as Tamriel, and became more peaceful with other races.

What were the elves like in Norse mythology?

An elf ( Old Norse álfr, Old English ælf, Old High German alb, Proto-Germanic *albaz) is a certain kind of demigod-like being in the pre-Christian mythology and religion of the Norse and other Germanic peoples. The elves are luminous beings , “more beautiful than the sun,” [2] whose exalted status is demonstrated by their constantly being linked with the Aesir and Vanir gods in Old Norse and Old English poetry. [3]

Who are the Nordic gods?

There are twelve main gods in Norse mythology: Odin, Thor, Balder, Vidar, Vale, Brage, Heimdall, Ty, Njord, Froy, Ull and Forsete, – where Njord and Froy are not Aesirs, but Vanirs living in Asgard. Sometimes, Age and Loki is also considered Aesirs. The female gods in Norse mythology are called Asynja.

What is a dark elf?

Dark elf. Dark elves, were elves, known as Ssri-tel-quessir in the elven tongue, and were the ancestors of the drow .

What is Nordic Sea Monster?

In Norse mythology , Jörmungandr ( Old Norse : Jǫrmungandr, pronounced [ˈjɔrmunˌɡandr̥], meaning “huge monster”), also known as the Midgard (World) Serpent (Old Norse: Miðgarðsormr), is a sea serpent, the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and Loki.

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