What was the great Panathenaea?

What was the great Panathenaea?

Panathenaea, in Greek religion, an annual Athenian festival of great antiquity and importance. At the Great Panathenaea, representatives of all the dependencies of Athens were present, bringing sacrificial animals. After the presentation of a new embroidered robe to Athena, the sacrifice of several animals was offered.

What was the purpose of the Panathenaea?

place in Greek religion …a more splendid scale (the Great Panathenaea). Its purpose, besides offering sacrifice, was to provide the ancient wooden image of Athena, housed in the “Old Temple,” with a new robe woven by the wives of Athenian citizens.

What did Panathenaea celebrate?

THE PANATHENAIA was an Athenian festival celebrated every June in honour of the goddess Athena. The Lesser Panathenaia was an annual event, while the Greater was held every four years. See also Athena Cult.

What is special about the building the Parthenon?

The Parthenon was the center of religious life in the powerful Greek City-State of Athens, the head of the Delian League. Built in the 5 century B.C., it was a symbol of the power, wealth and elevated culture of Athens. It was the largest and most lavish temple the Greek mainland had ever seen.

Is Athena a patron god of any city?

Athens worshipped Athena, the goddess of wisdom, as a patron city-state god. The designation of Athena as patron of Athens occurred during the Great Panathenaea in 566 B.C., potentially coinciding with construction of the Altar of Athena Polias.

What is Athena the goddess of?

Athena, also spelled Athene, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva.

What were the Greek soldiers called?

Ancient Greek soldiers were called hoplites. Hoplites had to provide their own armor, so only wealthier Greeks could be one. They had an attendant, either a slave or a poorer citizen, to help carry their equipment.

Who are the heroes of the Great Panathenaea?

At the Great Panathenaea, representatives of all the dependencies of Athens were present, bringing sacrificial animals. After the presentation of a new embroidered robe to Athena, the sacrifice of several animals was offered. The great procession, which included the heroes of Marathon, is the subject of the…

What was the significance of the Panathenaea festival?

Panathenaea. Panathenaea, in Greek religion, an annual Athenian festival of great antiquity and importance. It was eventually celebrated every fourth year with great splendour, probably in deliberate rivalry to the Olympic Games. The festival consisted solely of the sacrifices and rites proper to the season (mid-August) in the cult of Athena,…

What kind of poems were sung at the Panathenaea?

The poems were now sung in much longer portions than before, and probably both the Iliad and the Odyssey as the Neleidae are especially celebrated in the latter (cf. Mommsen, p. 138). In later times other poets (e. g. Choerilus of Samos, fl. 420 B.C.) obtained the privilege of being recited at the Panathenaea (Suidas, s. v. Choirilos).

Why was the Panathenaia important to the Athenians?

Every four years from 566 onwards, Athens would hold a Great Panathenaia which was celebrated on a Panhellenic scale. Though its name, meaning ‘Rites of All Athenians’, clearly shows the Athenian character of the festival, it drew visitors from all over.

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