What do you mean by the politics of translation?

What do you mean by the politics of translation?

Such politics consists in an extension of an ethics of translation based on linguistic hospitality, so that cultural asymmetries, inequalities and conflicts at a wider social level are addressed and political and normative responses to them can be devised from a cosmopolitan perspective.

Can the subaltern speak translation?

Consequently, “We(st)” cannot understand the discourse of sati because it is not translated. 45 On Spivak’s account, the subaltern cannot speak. Spivak understands the Kantian subject as based on aesthetic judgment.

What is Gayatri Spivak known for?

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, (born February 24, 1942, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India), Indian literary theorist, feminist critic, postcolonial theorist, and professor of comparative literature noted for her personal brand of deconstructive criticism, which she called “interventionist.”

Who is the author of The Politics of Translation?

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is an Indian scholar, literary theorist, and feminist critic. She has made a significant statement on “the politics of translation” related to the role of translation as an important factor of the feminist agenda and supporting women’s rights.

What is Spivak saying in Can the subaltern Speak?

‘, Spivak offers the sentence ”White men are saving the brown women from brown men’ as one interpretation of the relationship between colonizer and colonized. How far does this sentence reflect the representations of British dealings with India in the texts you have studied?

What is Spivak saying in Can the Subaltern Speak?

What is the politics of translation for Spivak?

Translation for Spivak is an act of understanding the other as well as the self. For her it has a political dimension, as it is a strategy that can be consciously employed. She uses the feminine adjectives like submission, intimacy and understanding for theorizing translation.

Why did Gayatri Chakravorty conclude that subaltern cannot speak?

Because her attempt at “speaking” outside normal patriarchal channels was not understood or supported, Spivak concluded that “the subaltern cannot speak.”

What does Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak say about translation?

A significant statement on The Politics of Translation comes from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1998:95-118) who considers translation as an important approach in pursuing the larger feminist agenda of achieving women’s `solidarity’. The task of the feminist translator is to consider language as a sign to the working of gendered agency.

What did Gayatri Chakravorty contribute to postcolonial studies?

Her reputation was first made for her translation and preface to Derrida’s Of Grammatology (1976) and she has since applied deconstructive strategies to various theoretical engagements and textual analyses including feminism, Marxism, literary criticism and postcolonialism. My position is generally a reactive one.

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