What is the price of cottonseed oil?

What is the price of cottonseed oil?

Cottonseed oil cake for delivery in February traded up by Rs 10, or 0.46 per cent, to Rs 2,169 per quintal with an open interest of 70,820 lots.

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Ask Price ₹ 1,200/ Bag
Brand Ramnath
Country of Origin
Packaging Size 44kg per bag 50Kg
Usage/Application Cattle Feed Cattle Feed

What is the price of sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E, lowers cholesterol, strengthens immunity, is anti-inflammatory, good for heart & skin health and boosts energy level in the body….Questions & Answers on Sunflower Oil.

Packaging Type Min Price Max Price
Plastic Bottle Rs 14000/Ton Rs 58000/Ton
Pouched Rs 90/Litre Rs 90/Litre

What is the price of Tirupati oil?

Tirupati Cottonseed Oil, Packaging Size: 15 Kg, Rs 2380 /tin Shah Ratilal Maganlal | ID: 22572081548.

Is cottonseed oil better than vegetable oil?

Along with lowering inflammation, the unsaturated fats in cottonseed oil may help lower your LDL and increase your HDL. This can improve blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, cottonseed oil is also higher in saturated fat than other vegetable oils, which can have the opposite effect.

Are cottonseeds edible?

Cotton is useful in many ways but has never been thought of as an edible source of protein, because of toxic chemical gossypol, which protects cotton from insects. It is so toxic that if consumed can lower blood potassium and result in weakness, respiratory issues and even paralysis.

What is Binola Khal?

Cottonseed Cake (Binola Khal) that is essential cattle supplement. The Cotton Seed Oil Cake (Binola Khal) has rich nutritional content, Cottonseed Cake is safe for animals. The good quality animal feed, proteins and required quantity of oil.

What is the price of groundnut oil?

Questions & Answers on Groundnut Oil

Speciality Min Price Max Price
Natural Rs 230/Litre Rs 294/Litre
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