What do the badges mean on Fitbit?

What do the badges mean on Fitbit?

Badges are automatically awarded as your Fitbit syncs your daily activities and measures them against the milestones in different activities. You can only earn badges related to step-based activities that are automatically measured by your Fitbit.

What is the helicopter badge on Fitbit?

Fitbit Lifetime Floor Badges List. Helicopter: Awarded when you have climbed 500 floors. Skydrive: Awarded when you have climbed 1,000 floors. Hot Air Balloon: Awarded when you have climbed 2,000 floors.

What is the most steps recorded on a Fitbit?

Taking 100,000 steps in one day may sound insane—heck, some of you doubt that it can be done at all—but the truth is, 100K in a day is a milestone that many Fitbit users have managed to hit. So many, in fact, there’s even a Fitbit Badge to commemorate the accomplishment.

How much time does it take to walk 30000 steps?

That means if you were to walk 30,000 steps all in one go it would take about 5 hours at a pace of about 3.0 MPH. 4 hours if you are athletic enough to maintain a brisk pace that long.

Why are there so many badges on Fitbit?

Rewards. That’s why Fitbit designed more than 100 badges to recognize a variety of achievements. From steps taken to floors climbed to weight loss, these virtual awards are designed to recognize and help you celebrate even the smallest of victories along your health journey. But you can’t achieve what you can’t see, right?

How many floors do Fitbit lifetime badges start at?

The daily floors badges start at 10 floors and go up to 700 floors. The lifetime floors badges start at 500 floors and go up to 35,000. Finally, the weight loss badges start at setting a weight loss goal and go up to losing 200lbs.

Why do so many people want to get a Fitbit?

When you’re as determined as so many Fitbit users are, it can be easy to get laser focused on your end goal. But while high aspirations are commendable, experts also say having smaller specific, measurable, and attainable goals can help keep you motivated. Another key factor?

How many pounds have you lost on Fitbit?

Accomplishment: You’ve lost 180 pounds since setting a weight goal. Accomplishment: You’ve lost 185 pounds since setting a weight goal. Accomplishment: You’ve lost 190 pounds since setting a weight goal. Accomplishment: You’ve lost 195 pounds since setting a weight goal. Accomplishment: You’ve lost 200 pounds since setting a weight goal.

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