What is Doon Harrow personality?

What is Doon Harrow personality?

Doon Harrow is a serious boy described to have a serious face, rumpled hair, and dark, thick eyebrows. He is intelligent and observant, quick to anger, and passionate in his determination to find a solution for Ember’s issues.

How did Doon feel when his co workers in the Pipeworks called him bug boy?

Why was Doon angry even enraged at his co-workers? They teased him and called him “Bug Boy” because he was interested in bugs and was playing with one at the time.

What do Doon and Lina have in common?

Lina and Doon discover that they have something in common. What is it? They both like to draw and want to find a way out of Ember.

What was the message Doon got from his dad?

Doon wanted it to be a surprise for his father and to be the hero. Doon didn’t think his father would believe him and then Doon would be angry. Doon was afraid he would get into trouble by his father. Doon thought his father was corrupt like the mayor.

How old is Doon Harrow?

12 years old
One of the novel’s protagonists. Doon is 12 years old, serious beyond his years, and pragmatic. He doesn’t believe that things are great in Ember; the regular blackouts and dwindling food stores make it clear that something’s wrong.

What does Doon do during his lunch break?

He’s collecting bugs for his lunch!” (8.4). Sure, some folks may make fun of his offbeat interests, but Doon’s inquisitive nature comes in handy more often than not.

What is the difference between Lina and Doon?

Doon and Lina like very different things. Doon wants to work in the Pipeworks; Lina yearns to be a messenger. Doon likes to study how things work. Lina likes to run and explore.

Who does Doon live with?

When the children turn 12 on the last day of school they are given a job, this is called what? where does Lina live? Doon lives above this shop with his father. Lina’s neighbor, takes in Lina and Poppy when Granny dies, gets Lina and Doon’s message at the end of the book.

Why does Doon choose not to tell his dad about the instructions?

Lina runs to find Doon at his father’s shop so she can share this news with him. His dad asks what’s wrong, and Doon chooses not to tell him about everything on his mind, hoping that his father will be proud once the mayor’s treachery is revealed.

Do Lina and Doon end up together?

Lizzie takes an interest in Tim Troggs (abandoning her earlier hope of becoming Doon’s girlfriend), while Lina gets a horse named Fleet and becomes a messenger like she was in Ember. The last chapter reveals that Lina and Doon eventually fall in love and have children together.

Why is doon not in the generator room?

Explain why Doon is unable to go into the generator room. You have to have special permission. What does Doon realize about the city’s condition? The city is in worst shape than he imagined.

Who is Doon Harrow in the people of Sparks Project?

Doon Harrow is a young, teenaged boy that is a good friend of Lina Mayfleet. He is medium sized and has thick, dark hair. Like Lina, he is smart and is a leader. He is Lina’s partner in finding the way out of the underground city of Ember. In many ways, he feels responsible for the safety and well-being of the Emberites.

What kind of personality does Doon Harrow have?

Personality… intelligent, tempestuous, and insecure. Doon might be one of the top students in his class, but his social skills still leave something to be desired. Still, while his tendency to lash out at others doesn’t make him many friends, Doon has a good heart underneath and a deep, desperate need to help his city.

How old is Doon Harrow in the city of Ember?

Everything you need for every book you read. One of the novel’s protagonists. Doon is 12 years old, serious beyond his years, and pragmatic. He doesn’t believe that things are great in Ember; the regular blackouts and dwindling food stores make it clear that something’s wrong.

How does Doon Harrow feel about Mayor Cole?

Even more than Lina, Doon is hurt, angry, and feels personally betrayed by Mayor Cole ’s corruption. He recognizes that engaging in the kind of corruption like Mayor Cole and Looper engage in doesn’t help anyone, but he also makes the mistake of believing that the correct course of action is to trust in other authority figures to make things right.

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