Which Indian plants are endangered?

Which Indian plants are endangered?

Endangered Plants in India

Plant Also Known As Region (Status)
Polygala irregularis Milkwort Gujarat (rare)
Lotus corniculatus Bird’s foot Gujarat (rare)
Amentotaxus assamica Assam catkin yew Arunachal Pradesh (threatened)
Psilotum nudum Moa, skeleton, fork fern, and whisk fern Karnataka (rare)

What is the rarest plant in India?

Did You Know About These Rare Flowers of India?

  • Rebe. A rare endangered medicinal plant, which was thought to be extinct, has been rediscovered after 115 years by a team of botanists in Upper Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Tuberose.
  • Indian lotus.
  • Magenta Ghost Flower.
  • Siroi Lily.
  • Palash Tree.
  • Lobster Claw.

Which plant is only found in India?

Rare Native Plants Of India

Rare Native Plants of India Scientific Name
Spider Wort Belosynapsis vivipara
Bird’s Foot Lotus corniculatus
Assam Catkin Yew Amentotaxus assamica
Malabar Lily Chlorophytum malabaricum

What are the most common endangered plants?

Baobab Tree. Baobab Tree is the most endangered species in the world.

  • we have cork on this list of top 10 most endangered plants in the world.
  • Venus Fly Trap.
  • Welwitschia Mirabilis.
  • Rafflesia.
  • Green Pitcher plant.
  • Baseball plant.
  • Dragon Tree.
  • Bois Dentelle.
  • Monkey Puzzle Tree.
  • What are the names of some extinct plants?

    10 Extraordinary Extinct Plants Prototaxites – All Over the World – 350 MYA. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device. Toromiro Tree – Easter Island – 1965. Easter Island is one of the most remote places on Earth, located about 2,200 miles from South America and 1,300 miles from Strychnos electri – Dominican Republic – 30 MYA.

    What are some extinct plants?

    Some examples of plants that have gone extinct in the past two centuries are the aromatic Chile sandalwood and the banded trinity, which has no leaves — only its flowers are visible above the ground. The endangered acacia tree in Riau Province , Sumatra, Indonesia.

    Are all rare plants endangered?

    Not all rare plants are endangered. ” Endangered ” has a specific legal meaning under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Other ESA legal terms for plants are threatened, proposed, and candidate (see Glossary below).


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