Who Funds Multi Academy Trusts?
the Department for Education
Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) or academy chain is an academy trust that operates more than one academy school. Academy schools are state-funded schools in England which are directly funded by the Department for Education and independent of local authority control.
How does a multi-academy trust work?
Staff are employed by the academy trust. Multi-academy trusts (MATs) are groups of academies that have come together to form a charitable company, with a single group of ‘members’ (who have an overview of the governance arrangements) and a single board of trustees.
Can an academy leave a trust?
Schools occasionally leave one multi-academy trust to join another. They can be rebrokered for a number of reasons: failures of educational performance, management and governance, or those responsible for them might ask the regional schools commissioner to rebroker them for another reason.
Do academies have a trust board?
Academies have the legal status of companies and are also charitable trusts. This means trustees have the responsibilities of both company directors and charity trustees. Like all company directors and charity trustees, academy trustees must be autonomous in their decision-making and avoid conflicts of interest.
What are the benefits of multi-academy trusts?
As we build back better from the pandemic, multi-academy trusts have the capacity to provide the best training and evidence-based curriculum support for already great teachers, freeing them to focus on what they do best – teaching.
Are multi-academy trusts effective?
Conclusion. Our research shows there is no consistent combination of characteristics that makes the difference when it comes to running a sustainable multi-academy trust (MAT). Creating an effective MAT is a complex process – no single characteristic is consistently associated with success.
What are the benefits of a multi academy trust?
Outstanding leadership from numerous National Leaders of Education, in both Primary and Secondary, with a National reputation for sustained school improvement. Excellent inward investment into resources through the Teaching School Alliance to drive forward the quality of teaching and learning in education today.
What is the purpose of a multi academy trust?
What is an MAT? It’s a collection of schools that act together something like a hub, developing best practice and working strategically in combination with each other. The idea behind this is to provide schools with a kind of group strength which they otherwise would not have immediate access to.
What is the difference between a trust school and an academy?
Unlike academies, which are set up with a £2million donation from a business or charity, there is no set amount that must be donated to establish a trust. A trust school employs its own staff, and manages its own land and assets. Trust schools are also able to set their own admission arrangements.
How many single academy trusts are there?
The number of academies in single-academy trusts has fallen from 1,976 in July 2017, to 1,743 academies as of July 2018. Meanwhile, the number of academies in MATs has rocketed by a quarter – up from 4,949 academies (in 987 MATs) in July 2017, to 6,177 academies (in 1,141 MATs) in July 2018.
Are academy trustees paid?
In many academy trusts, there is excessive spending on trustee pay (which includes CEO and executive headteacher pay). The DfE has reported that, in 2016-17 (which are the most recently published DfE figures), academy trusts made 103 payments of over £150,000 to trustees, an increase on the previous year.
What is the role of an academy trust?
The main responsibilities of the trustees are to: Set the strategic direction of the trust. Hold senior school leadership to account. Oversee the trust’s financial performance.