How do I say my name is in German?
If you want to say “What is your name?” in German, you would either say, “Wie heißen sie?” (formal) or “Wie heißt du?” (informal).
How do you introduce a name?
Doing it in a foreign language, even more so. So today we’re going to go over a few phrases that you might say when introducing yourself. The first thing, of course, is saying your name. Usually you’ll hear people say “I’m”, or “My name is”, or “My name’s”, contracting “name” and “is”.
What sound does ß make?
The letters ‘ss’ and ‘ß’ A double ‘s’ (written ‘ss’ or ‘ß’) is always pronounced as an unvoiced English ‘s’ in words such as ‘seal’ or ‘self’. This sound is written ‘ss’ when the preceding vowel in a word is short.
What does the German word grub mean?
transitive verb. (animal) ground, soil aufwühlen , wühlen in (+dat) intransitive verb. (also grub about or around, pig) wühlen (in in +dat); (person) (herum)kramen , (herum)wühlen (in in +dat, for nach)
How do you introduce yourself in German?
Introducing yourself The simplest greeting is Hallo or Guten Tag, which means Hello or Good Day. If you’re in Southern Germany, they say Grüß Gott instead. Introduce yourself. The two most common ways to introduce yourself are to say Ich heiße Name (My name is Name) or Ich bin Name (I’m Name).
How to Say ” my Name is ” in German?
German words for my name is include Ich heiße …, Ich heiße and mein name ist. Find more German words at!
Which is the best translation of my Name is?
Reggie, my name is Alexander Dyle. Reggie, ich heiße Alexander Dyle. Good afternoon, my name is XXXXXX… Guten Tag, mein Name ist XXXXXX. Reggie, my name is Lewis Bartholomew. Reggie, ich heiße Lewis Bartholomew. So if anyone asks for me, my name is Stephen Jennel. Wenn jemand nach mir fragt, mein Name ist Stephen Jennal.
What’s the name of the guy in my Name is?
Reggie, my name is Lewis Bartholomew. Reggie, ich heiße Lewis Bartholomew. So if anyone asks for me, my name is Stephen Jennel. Wenn jemand nach mir fragt, mein Name ist Stephen Jennal. Well, Mr. X my name is Benjamin.