How do you use the word paean?

How do you use the word paean?

Paean in a Sentence 🔉

  1. After losing the game, the team was disappointed not to sing their victory paean.
  2. The boy wrote a paean for his dad, praising his many accomplishments.
  3. After winning the battle, the warriors gathered around and sung a paean.

What is a paean in music?

Paean, solemn choral lyric of invocation, joy, or triumph, originating in ancient Greece, where it was addressed to Apollo in his guise as Paean, physician to the gods.

Is paean an Apollo?

Ancient Greek paean In time Paeon (or Paean) became an epithet (“byname”) of Apollo as a god capable of bringing disease and propitiated as a god of healing. The earliest appearances of a paean or hymn of thanksgiving also appear in the Iliad. After the prayer to avert evil from the Achaeans, a paean is sung.

Is Peaen a word?

paean Add to list Share. Paean was originally a song of praise for Apollo, or Paian as he was sometimes called. You can now use paean to mean any song of praise, regardless of the deity, or to mean a formal expression of praise, like a eulogy.

What do the word paean mean?

1 : a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph unite their voices in a great paean to liberty— Edward Sackville-West. 2 : a work that praises or honors its subject : encomium, tribute wrote a paean to the queen on her 50th birthday.

What word rhymes with paean?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
galilean 100 Adjective, Noun
plebeian 100 Adjective
epicurean 100 Adjective, Noun
creon 100 Noun

Which gods does paean heal?

PAEAN (Paian, Paiêôn or Paiôn), that is, “the healing,” is according to Homer the designation of the physician of the Olympian gods, who heals, for example, the wounded Ares and Hades. (Il. v. 401, 899.)

What does paeans mean in English?

Which is the best definition of a paean?

Definition of paean. 1 : a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph unite their voices in a great paean to liberty — Edward Sackville-West.

Where does the last name Paean come from?

It comes from the Greek παιάν (also παιήων or παιών), “song of triumph, any solemn song or chant”. “Paeon” was also the name of a divine physician and an epithet (“byname”) of Apollo.

What kind of song is a paean to love?

‘Lyric poetry included dithyrambs, encomia, paeans, and hymns.’ ‘These are not songs filled with surreal invocations but just paeans to love, life and the simple pleasures that make it all worthwhile.’

What happens at the end of a paean?

‘The act ends with a paean of created Nature as the wordless chorus – sung with the characteristic ebullience of the Opera North Chorus – takes up the Wedding Chant.’ ‘Clay tablets with its spindly arrangements of flicks and crosses started to appear by the thousands, recording paeans, epics and incantations.’

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