Is Jin Gitaxias a good commander?
Jin as a commander is solidly in Tier 3. He’s far too slow to compete with the Tier 1 and 2 commanders under normal circumstances. “Instead of building a fast car to win the race, you fill the race track with manure and drive your tractor to victory.
Does reliquary tower counter Jin Gitaxias?
Anonymous asked: If there’s a jin gitaxias on the field and I play reliquary tower, do I get to keep the cards I draw again? Yes. Having no maximum hand size overrides anything that reduces your maximum hand size by a specific amount.
How does Jin Gitaxias work?
Jin-Gitaxias doesn’t affect the maximum hand size of its controller. Unless another spell or ability is affecting your opponent’s maximum hand size, Jin-Gitaxias’s ability will result in your opponent having a maximum hand size of zero. They will discard each card from their hand during their cleanup step.
Who is Jin Gitaxias?
Jin-Gitaxias is a living storehouse of research data, collated from every tidbit of vicious exploration conducted throughout the plane. Jin-Gitaxias dwells within the now fully Phyrexianized Lumengrid, and has converted the topmost chamber into his own personal laboratory and study.
What happened to Urabrask?
After Phyrexia’s conquest of Mirrodin, Urabrask allowed the Mirran survivors to take refuge in the furnace layer of the plane, which was controlled by him. It’s unknown if Urabrask still lives, though the Mirran Resistance fled to the mountain shelters, out of reach of Elesh Norn.
Can you have more than 7 cards in MTG?
Each player has a maximum hand size, which is normally seven cards. A player may have any number of cards in their hand, but as part of their cleanup step, the player must discard excess cards down to the maximum hand size.
Do you draw on first turn MTG?
The first thing a player does is untap all cards he or she controls in the “untap step”. Then the player draws a card in the “draw step”. In two-player games, the player who takes the first turn does not draw a card for that turn.
Is Urabrask dead?
It’s unknown if Urabrask still lives, though the Mirran Resistance fled to the mountain shelters, out of reach of Elesh Norn.