Can you get in trouble for using Rate My Professor?

Can you get in trouble for using Rate My Professor?

Nope! We don’t display any of your personal information anywhere on the site. We strongly encourage everyone to write constructive comments without including any identifying information about yourself or others. If our online moderators determine the comment could identify you or anyone else, the post will be removed.

Is Rate My Professors legal?

The law protects Rate My Professors from legal responsibility for the content submitted by our users, like the reviews that appear on our site. Anyone who wishes to sue Rate My Professors for the reviews posted by our members risks penalties imposed by the court.

How do I dispute a rate my professor?

If you are concerned that a comment violates our site guidelines, please report the rating by selecting the flag icon at the bottom right corner of the comment. Our moderators will review the comment immediately and remove it if it’s against our guidelines.

What is Rate My Professor worth?

The website was owned by a $13 billion company up until October of 2018. The business was sold to telecommunications giant Viacom in 2007.

Do professors care about RateMyProfessor?

True, colleges will almost certainly ignore when making promotion decisions, . But many college promotion committees do take into account how many students a professor attracts to his classes. Professors care greatly about their reputations.

Can professors write their own reviews on Rate My Professor?

Professors could rate themselves: Professors could write a review (or several) of themselves staging as a student to get a better reputation. If a professor has a low rating, they could improve it with just a click of a button.

Can a professor know that I rate them?

I’m a Professor and I want to remove my profile. Will my professor know that I have rated them? Can you explain the rating scale? Can I sue Rate My Professors for a review about me? How did my name get on the site without my permission?

What can I do about negative reviews on my professor profile?

As a Professor, what can I do about negative reviews on my profile? I’m a Professor and I want to remove my profile. Will my professor know that I have rated them? Can you explain the rating scale?

Are there any professors that are really good?

Beautiful campus grounds, professors are nice with a few exceptions, working on campus made me wish I never attended here, not a lot of places to eat or things to do. Housing is expensive but dumpy (not to mention married housing is whole other thing). A lot of people have had break-ins to their apartment. Personally, I wish went somewhere else.

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