How do I change the Autodiscover URL in Exchange 2010?

How do I change the Autodiscover URL in Exchange 2010?

To change the Autodiscover URL we need to use the Set-ClientAccessServer and the Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cmdlets all CAS servers in the organization. Important: In total we need to run 3 cmdlet, before running the cmdlets make sure you have the correct URLs, and make sure you run them against all CAS servers.

Where is the Autodiscover XML file located?

The ‘Autodiscover. xml’ file will only be present in the root folder of the local hard drive if the OLSetupv5.exe utility was used from the Online Control Panel to configure Outlook with the Exchange Server.

How do I change my Autodiscover settings in Outlook?

To set up Outlook using the AutoDiscovery feature:

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Mail > Show Profiles and click Add.
  2. Type your name, primary email address, and your mailbox password twice, then click Next.
  3. When you get a security prompt, check the box Don’t ask me about this website again and then click Allow.

Where is Exchange 2010 EWS URL?

Determining the Exchange Web Services (EWS) URL

  1. Open the Exchange Management Shell on the Exchange server.
  2. Type Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |Select name, *url* | fl.
  3. The URL will be displayed.

How do I change my Autodiscover URL in Exchange 2019?

External & Internal URL Virtual Directory Setup Exchange Server 2019

  1. Open Exchange admin center.
  2. On the configure external access domain click the Add + button.
  3. Select the Exchange Exch2K19-1 server(s) you wish to configure external URLs on.
  4. Enter the domain name you wish to use externally.

What is Autodiscover XML used for?

Autodiscover. xml is a dynamically generated file written in XML that contains the information Outlook needs to access the mailbox that was entered in the configuration wizard. When Outlook makes a request to Exchange Autodiscover, the following things will happen: Exchange requests credentials to access the mailbox.

How do I fix Autodiscover problems?

Follow the steps below to resolve the autodiscover related issues.

  1. Make sure you have correct CNAME record configured for autodiscover feature.
  2. Clear DNS cache on your PC or Mac.
  3. Run Test E-mail AutoConfiguration tool in Outlook to review on what step Outlook fails to connect.

What is the purpose of an Exchange Autodiscover?

Introduced in Exchange Server 2007, the primary purpose of the Exchange Autodiscover service is to establish initial connections to Exchange user mailboxes. Once that connection has been made, it also helps Outlook access Exchange Server features such as the offline address book and unified messaging.

Does ActiveSync run as a server service with exchange?

You can also use Exchange ActiveSync for some client integration with Exchange; however, it is not designed to be used for server-to-server communications. The protocol is optimal for efficient sync communication between a mobile device and an Exchange server or service, and is often the preferred protocol for Personal Information Manager (PIM) sync applications on mobile devices.

What is Exchange Autodiscover service?

Exchange Autodiscover is a web service that helps Microsoft Exchange administrators configure user profile settings for clients running Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, or Outlook 2013 and mobile phones running Windows Mobile 6.1 or later. Introduced in Exchange Server 2007, the primary purpose…

What is https Autodiscover outlook?

Autodiscovery is the URL used to locate the actual server on which your user data is stored, the default URL is .

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