How do I get to the National Archives microfilm?
- Click Advanced Search (next to the Search button)
- In the right–hand column, under Subject Catalog, select ‘Diplomatic Records”
- Enter any related Subject Terms (in the search box above) such as a country name.
- Hit “Search”
How do I get information from the National Archives?
Go to the Catalog main page at: Conduct a search for the records of interest to you. You can search by keyword, National Archives Identifier (NAID), or type of archival material.
What records are available at the National Archives?
The National Archives holds historical U.S. government documents (federal, congressional, and presidential records) that are created or received by the President and his staff, by Congress, by employees of Federal government agencies, and by the Federal courts in the course of their official duties.
Can I access microfiche online?
The majority of FamilySearch’s vast microfilm collection (2.4M rolls) has now been digitized and are available online. Newly scanned and available digital images can be viewed using the FamilySearch Explore Historical Images feature.
How do I get a microfilm?
Call toll-free 866-272-6272 or in the Washington, DC area, call 301-837-2000. Libraries and government agencies only may order by purchase order. Mail purchase order to address shown above or fax to 202-357-5906.
Can you access National Archives?
Archivists are available to speak with you Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Center for Legislative Archives is located in the National Archives building in downtown Washington, DC. The National Archives provides free access to several subscription databases while at a National Archives facility.
What is the difference between microfilm and microfiche?
They are commonly available in two different formats: microfilm and microfiche. Microfilm is a reel of 16mm or 35mm film. Microfiche is a flat sheet of images. Both types of microform may be viewed using the readers in the Microform Reading Room.
Are there digital microfilm records at the National Archives?
This guide lists and provides access to all the record series at The National Archives which are available to view and download for free. These are all digital microfilm records. What are digital microfilm records?
Where can I find the 1930 census microfilm?
Immigrant & Passenger Arrivals: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, Revised ISBN 1-880875-25-X Search this catalog online. ( Note: This is the 1930 census microfilm locator, not an online version of the catalog.) Search this publication.
How do I get a microfilm order form?
Download and print a copy of the Microfilm Order form in PDF format. You need access to a printer and the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. (You can download the latest version of the FREE Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader from Adobe ). The form is a total of 2 pages, and is formatted for letter size paper (8.5″ x 11″).
How to obtain copies of records at the National Archives?
Order online, and place your order for these records directly through the web. Ordering online requires that you register as a user and that you pay with a credit card. Request these records using our special paper forms. Contact us to have these blank forms mailed to you.