How do I read Vimsamsa?
The Vimsamsa chart, according to Mahrishi Parashara, is mainly used to analyse the spiritual life of a person. Placement of your 5th and 8th lords (from D-1) in D-20 indicates ‘real’ spiritual inclination. If those planets are exalted or occupy own sign in D-20, then the native has highest spiritual power.
What is Dwadasamsa chart?
In astrology, a dwadasamsa, which is also called a dwad, duad or dwadachamsha, is 1/12 of a zodiacal sign. The dwadasamsa was developed by Hindu astrologers who broke the 30 degree sign down into 12 equal parts of 2.5 degrees each.
How do you read a D 60 chart?
Ascendant – As we know that D-60 is the 60th divisional chart. So, it is 60th part of a sign. So, take a sign of 30 degree and divide it by 60. 30/60 = (0.5) half a degree is 60th division of sign.
How do you count houses on a chart?
For these, you look at the inner circle on your chart. There, you’ll see numbers one through 12, moving counterclockwise. These are your houses. Some of these sections will have multiple planetary symbols in them.
What is Vimshamsha chart?
Vimshamsha (D20) is the divisional chart we see for the spiritual pursuits of a native. This kundali is crucial as it explains the higher or philosophical learnings a native does in the life as well. Lagna is the seed and represents the native in every Varga Kundali.
How do I find my D20 chart?
D20 is very important chart to see spiritual progress of a person….
- See the position of 9th lord of D1 in D20.
- Check whether the lord is sitting with benefic or malefic (Case Specific)
- Also check the position of 5th lord of D1 in D20.
- Check the 9th lord from karakamsha lagna in D20 chart.
What does the 1st house represent?
Defined by the Ascendant, the First House defines you. It represents the body you were born with, your physical appearance, and your general temperament.
What does the 10th house rule?
In general terms the 10th house refers to occupation, profession, means of livelihood, temporal honours, foreign travels, self-respect, knowledge and dignity.