How risky is a cerebral angiogram?
There is a risk of stroke with this procedure if the catheter dislodges plaque from a vessel wall that blocks blood flow within the brain. Although stroke may be a complication associated with cerebral angiography, it is uncommon. Rarely, the catheter punctures the artery, causing internal bleeding.
How long does pain last after cerebral angiogram?
The test may also be used to check other symptoms, such as unusual headaches, or to check problems found during a different test. You may have a bruise where the catheter was put in, and you may feel sore for a day or two. You can do light activities around the house. But don’t do anything strenuous for several days.
What can you not do after angiogram?
Do not do strenuous exercise and do not lift, pull, or push anything heavy until your doctor says it is okay. This may be for a day or two. You can walk around the house and do light activity, such as cooking. If the catheter was placed in your groin, try not to walk up stairs for the first couple of days.
What are the risks of cerebral angiography surgery?
Cerebral angiography is an invasive technique. Its risks include stroke, infection, bleeding, renal issues, access site (groin) hematomas, and others. The risks are highly institution-specific, and their estimates vary widely in the literature.
What do you need to know about a cerebral angiogram?
A cerebral, or brain, angiogram is a minimally invasive procedure designed to provide a detailed picture of blood vessels in the brain and the flow of blood through them. This procedure allows doctors to view blood vessels, even very small ones, in far greater detail than other imaging techniques such as MRI or CAT scans.
Can a cerebral angiogram cause a permanent stroke?
There is a very tiny risk that blood will form a clot around the tip of the catheter, blocking the artery and causing a stroke. The chance of developing a permanent stroke (weakness, numbness or paralysis) as the result of a cerebral angiogram is approximately 0.5%.
Can you drive for 24 hours after a cerebral angiogram?
You should not drive for 24 hours after the study. Prior to the procedure, you will need to give your informed consent. This means you will speak face-to-face with the physician or physician assistant and acknowledge the potential risks and benefits of the procedure. This is also your opportunity to have any questions answered about the procedure.