What is Houston like in October?

What is Houston like in October?

Average Weather in October in Houston Texas, United States. Daily high temperatures decrease by 9°F, from 86°F to 78°F, rarely falling below 68°F or exceeding 93°F. Daily low temperatures decrease by 8°F, from 69°F to 61°F, rarely falling below 49°F or exceeding 76°F.

What is special in October month?

1 October – World Vegetarian Day World Vegetarian Day is observed on 1 October annually. It was founded in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) and in 1978 was endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union.

What is the weather like in October in Texas?

In most years, Dallas averages a daily maximum temperature for October that’s between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 27 degrees Celsius). The minimum temperature usually falls between 56 and 61 °F (13 to 16 °C). The days at Dallas cool quickly during October. Most October days warm to over 70 °F (21 °C) in Dallas.

Is October cold in Houston?

In most years, Houston averages a daily maximum temperature for October that’s between 80 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 29 degrees Celsius). The minimum temperature usually falls between 58 and 64 °F (14 to 18 °C). But most years October does not get as cold as 40 °F (4 °C).

Are there any festivals in October in Texas?

This fun event also features a beard contest, pie-baking contest, parade, carnival, a 5K run/walk, beer garden, car and truck show, and live music. Most activities for the 2020 festival are canceled, including the main chili events.

Are there any annual events in Houston Texas?

Houston Annual Events. No matter what time of year you’re visiting Houston, there are plenty of events to make your trip unforgettable. Discover community events such as art fairs, cultural festivals and markets in unique venues.

Are there any fall festivals in Texas in 2020?

Austin Fall Festivals Dallas Fall Festivals El Paso Fall Festivals Houston Fall Festivals San Antonio Fall Festivals Canceled for 2020, tickets and exhibitor spaces transferred to 2021 unless you want a refund (more information on the event website). Normally: Anime Austin has been called the best anime and culture convention in Austin.

When is the Bayou City Art Festival in Houston?

October 9-10, 2021. The Bayou City Art Festival at Memorial Park kicks off spring as Houston’s premier outdoor fine arts event. More than 300 national artists working in 19 artistic media are juried and invited to show and sell their original art at this event. Texas Contemporary Art Fair Oct. 18-21, 2021

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